Wrong Turn (2003) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Wrong Turn (2003) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Wrong Turn is a spooky film from 2003 that was directed by Rob Schmidt and written by Alan B. McElroy. It involves a group of friends, including Chris Flynn played by Desmond Harrington, whose car breaks down in a forest, leading to some shocking discoveries. This article will breakdown the filming locations, dates and share some interesting behind-the-scenes facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The filming for Wrong Turn took place in some various locations in Ontario, Canada. They turned areas including Hamilton, Dundas, Toronto, and Uxbridge into the perfect set for a horror movie. One memorable location was the scenic Websters Falls in Greensville. The production took place throughout August 2001 and later from August 6 to October 11, 2002.MV5BMTY5NDIyNDE3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODg4MzYyMDI@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Desmond Harrington Chris Flynn
Eliza Dushku Jessie Burlingame
Emmanuelle Chriqui Carly
Jeremy Sisto Scott
Kevin Zegers Evan
Lindy Booth Francine
Julian Richings Three Finger
Garry Robbins Saw-Tooth
Ted Clark One-Eye
Yvonne Gaudry Halley
Joel Harris Rich
David Huband Trooper
Wayne Robson Old Man
James Downing Trucker

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie falls under the Horror and Thriller genres and was released on 17 Apr 2009.
  • Desmond Harrington played the role of main character Chris Flynn.
  • The primary cast also included Eliza Dushku as Jessie Burlingame, Emmanuelle Chriqui as Carly, Jeremy Sisto as Scott, Kevin Zegers as Evan, and Lindy Booth as Francine.
  • The actors portraying the foes, Three Finger, Saw-Tooth and One-Eye were Julian Richings, Garry Robbins, and Ted Clark respectively.
  • Despite the horror, the movie gained recognition and was nominated for 3 awards.
  • Well over 600 viewers and 200 critics reviewed the movie, adding to its attention.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.2557206
    • Longitude: -79.8711024
    • Place ID: ChIJj3feJ2yYLIgRIQ7f2Fbuais
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hamilton, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Dundas, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.26650890000001
    • Longitude: -79.9568685
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Dundas, Hamilton, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 44.10940280000001
    • Longitude: -79.12049979999999
    • Place ID: ChIJ8QCHyuM71YkRPs4dDr4yFUY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Uxbridge, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto

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