We Own the Night

We Own the Night (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“We Own the Night” is a 2007 action and crime movie. This article explores the various filming locations of the film and which actors played which characters. It also delves into some fun and unknown facts about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The film was shot at multiple locations from March 15, 2006 to May 21, 2006. Katz’s Delicatessen at 205 East Houston Street was one of the spots. The Paradise Movie Theatre at 2403 Grand Concourse was another. Scenes were also filmed in East Village, Manhattan. Kaufman Astoria Studios at 3412 36th Street served as a set. Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn was another filming location.MV5BMTQ1MjIzOTM0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzczNzUzMw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Joaquin Phoenix Bobby Green
Eva Mendes Amada Juarez
Danny Hoch Jumbo Falsetti
Alex Veadov Vadim Nezhinski
Oleg Taktarov Pavel Lubyarsky
Elena Solovey Kalina Buzhayev
Moni Moshonov Marat Buzhayev
Mark Wahlberg Joseph Grusinsky
Maggie Kiley Sandra Grusinsky
Paul Herman Spiro Giavannis
Robert Duvall Burt Grusinsky
Antoni Corone Michael Solo
Craig Walker Russell De Keifer
Tony Musante Jack Shapiro
Claudia Lopez Claudia
Katie Condidorio Hazel
Katya Savina Eli & Masha’s Daughter
Scott Nicholson Nat the Cop
Al Linea Portly Cop
Frank Girardeau Police Chaplain
Joseph Coffey Uniformed Cop #2
Greg Wilson Poker Player
Ed Koch Mayor
Fred Burrell Commissioner Ruddy
Sharon Wilkins Nurse
Francis Toumbakaris Slavic Youth
Hoon Lee Emergency Services Driver
Barbara Ann Davison Neighbor Lady
Irwin Gray Neighbor
Luigi Scorcia Luigi
Miriam Cruz Amada’s Mother
Doug Torres Schneider
Tony Guida Vitt the Guard
Blaise Corrigan Uniformed Police Officer
Karl Bury Random Cop
Coati Mundi Coati
Joe Forbrich Guard
Richard Petrocelli Tough Looking Cop
Nik Pjeternikaj Albanian Drug Lord
Jamal Weathers Parabolic Engineer
Elliot Santiago El Caribe Bouncer #1
Jeff Ward El Caribe Bouncer #2
Samantha MacIvor El Caribe Party Patron #2
Bob Colletti El Caribe Party Patron #3
Aaron Vexler El Caribe Party Patron #4
Victor Tatarkin Vadim’s Goon #2
Alba Albanese Veronica
Salvatore Inzerillo Police Reporter
Douglas J. Aguirre Bobby Green’s Bodyguard (uncredited)
Ashley Avis Vadim’s Girlfriend (uncredited)
James Balsamo Club Dancer (uncredited)
Edwin J. Birmingham ESU Officer (uncredited)
Robert Bizik Police Officer (uncredited)
John Borras Riker’s Prison Guard (uncredited)
Mike Burke Pavel’s Driver (uncredited)
Dominick Cicco Police Officer (uncredited)
J.W. Cortes Bouncer Cortez (uncredited)
Erin Deighan El Caribe Party Patron (uncredited)
James Denapoli Police Officer (uncredited)
Tony Devon The Body Guard (uncredited)
P.V. Griffin Club Patron (uncredited)
Turi Haim Dancer (uncredited)
Zeke Hawkins Club Patron (uncredited)
Gina Hernandez Policeman’s Wife (uncredited)
Philip E Jones Strip Club Visitor (uncredited)
Tanzeel Kayani Academy police officer (uncredited)
Edward Kelahan Bar Patron (uncredited)
Nina Lisandrello Bobby’s Friend (uncredited)
Bernadette Lords El Caribe Party Patron (uncredited)
Saint Marino Mister Coke (uncredited)
Robert Myers Graduation Attendee (uncredited)
Robert Nardi TNT Cop in shootout (uncredited)
Karina Nazarov Slavic Drug Packager (uncredited)
Tyler Noble Bobby’s Friend (uncredited)
Loukas Papas El Caribe Party Guest (uncredited)
Martin Pfefferkorn Perp in Precinct (uncredited)
Alexandra Tejeda Rieloff Cop’s Wife (uncredited)
Marilyn Salisbury Mourner (uncredited)
Aaron Scotti El Caribe Party Patron (uncredited)
Richard Shankman TNT Detective – Joseph’s Unit (uncredited)
Kenny Shapiro Neighbor (uncredited)
Sybelle Silverphoenix Club Goer (uncredited)
Christopher Stadulis Police Officer (uncredited)
Stream El Caribe Party Patron (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • This movie was released on October 12, 2007 in Canada.
  • It falls under the genre of Action, Crime.
  • James Gray is the director and the writer of this film.
  • Joaquin Phoenix played the character of Bobby Green, while Eva Mendes played Amada Juarez. Danny Hoch was Jumbo Falsetti in the movie.
  • The film garnered one win and received nominations for five other awards.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Paradise Movie Theatre – 2403 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.8603366
    • Longitude: -73.89870549999999
    • Place ID: ChIJxzJeaXj0wokRGaMQk2pad5Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 2403 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10468, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: East Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7264773
    • Longitude: -73.98153370000001
    • Place ID: ChIJRU7M53dZwokR7GgPQPM1qW8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: East Village, New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.5953955
    • Longitude: -73.94575379999999
    • Place ID: ChIJY5Oi5oVEwokRDOi5AZZRG84
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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