Watercolor Postcards (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Watercolor Postcards (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Watercolor Postcards” is a 2013 drama film that viewers have associated with interesting behind-the-scenes facts and trivia. This movie centers around a girl who returns from a failed Hollywood career back to her West Texas home. Starring Bailee Madison, Jonathan Banks, and John C. McGinley among others, we invite you to explore the places it was filmed, its release date, and other fascinating details.

Where it Filmed?

“Watercolor Postcards” was shot in two main locations within the United States. One is the city of Barstow, located in the state of California. The other is none other than the famous city of Los Angeles, also in California. The specific filming dates for these locations aren’t provided, but these are the main places that visually bring the story to life.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Bailee Madison Cotton
Jonathan Banks Ledball
John C. McGinley Merlin
Claudia Christian Cheryl
Laura Bell Bundy Sunny
Joan Van Ark Momma
Ned Bellamy Cricket
Chad Faust Tommy
Conrad Goode Butch
Steve Eastin Morgan
Mary-Pat Green Tilda
Haley Strode Tammy
Kaitlin Riley Becky Mae
Paul Sanchez Sheriff Perez
Wendy Schenker Rescue Worker
Rhett Giles Jackson
Elizabeth Baldwin Nurse
Art Bonilla Preacher
Christian Ijin Link Car Salesman / Doctor
Joe Ford E.R Doctor
Javier Zaizar Paramedic
Jessica Starr Folger Rescue Worker
Brad Hamerly Cowboy At Bar B Que
Jason Michael Lease Dealership Patron

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie “Watercolor Postcards” was released on 23rd September, 2014.
  • It falls under the drama genre and has a running time of 1 hour and 55 minutes.
  • The director of the film is Rajeev Dassani and it was written by Conrad Goode.
  • It features stars such as Bailee Madison, Jonathan Banks, and John C. McGinley in primary roles.
  • The movie received 7 user reviews and 7 critic reviews.
  • Bailee Madison played the role of Cotton, Jonathan Banks played Ledball, and John C. McGinley portrayed Merlin.
  • It was an award-winning film, with specifics not provided.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Barstow, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.8957957
    • Longitude: -117.0172826
    • Place ID: ChIJVZRUTENwxIARd-LvKjMsQRs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Barstow, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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