Waltz Across Texas

Waltz Across Texas (1982) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Waltz Across Texas” released in 1982 is a drama/romance story. It presents an interesting narrative of an East Coast geologist running into love with a Texas oil driller. The main actors are Anne Archer, who plays the geologist called Gail Weston, and Terry Jastrow, who plays the oil driller named John Taylor.

Where it Filmed?

“Waltz Across Texas” was shot in Midland, Texas, USA. The filming process was started from October 7 in 1981. Midland provided a rich, natural backdrop for this romantic drama.MV5BMjA5MDYzODQ4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDE4NTU5. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Anne Archer Gail Weston
Terry Jastrow John Taylor
Noah Beery Jr. Joe Locker
Richard Farnsworth Frank Walker
Mary Kay Place Kit Peabody
Josh Taylor Like Jarvis
Ben Piazza Bill Wrather
Jorge Cervera Jr. Raoul
Savannah Smith Boucher Molesta Davis
Ivan Bonar A.J. Profit
Robert Underwood Neil
Bill Salt Swat
Jesse Garcia Robert
Bill Shaner David Foster
Jim Salners Harry Jamison
Peaches Pook Dr. Bern
Herb Wales Harry Friedman
Darrell Ward Roughneck #1
Otis Tomerlin Roughneck #2
Ron Woods Ticker Taker
Pepper Martin Self

Trivia and Facts

  • The “Waltz Across Texas” is a film from the drama and romance genre, lasting for about 1 hour and 39 minutes.
  • The main characters in the movie were played by Anne Archer (Gail Weston), Terry Jastrow (John Taylor), and Noah Beery Jr.
  • This movie is the last feature film starring Noah Beery Jr., who spent the remainder of his career in television.
  • The film was directed by Ernest Day and written by Anne Archer, Terry Jastrow, and Bill Svanoe.
  • “Waltz Across Texas” has a parental guideline certification from Australia as PG and the United States as PG.
  • The movie had its set decorated by Michael Erler and cinematography by Robert Elswit. The make-up department was led by Teresa M. Austin.
  • Other key contributors include Richard Charles Greenbaum as the assistant art director and James Gierman as the location manager.
  • The film was distributed by Atlantic Releasing Corporation and was produced by Aster.
  • The soundtrack “Don’t Let It Go to Your Heart” added emotion and depth to the movie sequences.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Midland, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 31.9973456
    • Longitude: -102.0779146
    • Place ID: ChIJD9GlkTlh-YYR-RsGf-HtFUc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Midland, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago