Voodoo Rising (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Voodoo Rising (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Voodoo Rising is a 2016 horror movie that runs for 82 minutes, directed by Eddie Lengyel. It features April Needham, Sarah Domanick, and Don Kilrain in the lead roles. This article provides information on where the film was shot, who played each role, as well as interesting facts about the movie and its production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in Garfield Heights, Ohio, USA. This location was the backdrop for the central action of the movie, where a group of friends ended up in a deadly encounter with a local family during their last summer trip together.MV5BMjQ1MDE4MjAwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg1OTgzOTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
April Needham Peyton
Sarah Domanick Sally
Don Kilrain The Sheriff
Mark Cray Clarence Balmer
Shaphan David Seiders Derrick
Robert S. Miller Rags
Silvia Marchena Guillen Rain
Justin E. Sherman Charlie
Meghan Bakun Taylor
Brenna Roth Agnes Balmer
Kris Smith Mama
Aaron Tomaselli Vernon Balmer
Lisa Gaetano Jules
Heather Longville Carly
Eddie Lengyel Zack
Lori Ingram The Voodoo Woman
Erinn Bakun Female Camper
James McGilbray Earl

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Trivia and Facts

  • Voodoo Rising is a horror movie that was released in 2016.
  • The film has a run time of 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • The story revolves around a group of friends spending their last summer together, leading to unexpected tales.
  • The movie was directed by Eddie Lengyel, who also has writing credits along with Kris Smith.
  • The main actors in the film include April Needham who plays Peyton, Sarah Domanick who is Sally, and Don Kilrain portraying The Sheriff.
  • During the time of shooting, the cast and crew were located at a filming location in Garfield Heights, Ohio, USA.
  • Other cast members are Mark Cray as Clarence Balmer, Shaphan David Seiders playing Derrick, and Robert S. Miller as Rags among others.
  • The movie was produced by Fright Teck Pictures and distributed by companies like SGL Entertainment and Summer Hill Films worldwide.
  • In the USA, the movie is also known as Black Hills.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Garfield Heights, Ohio, USA
    • Latitude: 41.4169974
    • Longitude: -81.6059581
    • Place ID: ChIJO5ymDYDjMIgRjsJElP-wEho
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Garfield Heights, OH, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York