Trail of the Kiamichi Beast (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Trail of the Kiamichi Beast (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film ‘Trail of the Kiamichi Beast’ is a gripping adventure released in 2023. It notably features Ross De la Cerna and Master Hughes in significant roles. Along with an engaging storyline, the film also offers an exciting glimpse behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was primarily shot in parts of Oklahoma, USA. For specific dates regarding the film’s production timeline, further details are presently unavailable. The choice of location significantly contributes to the overall feel and realism of the cinematic experience.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ross De la cerna Expedition member
Master Hughes Expedition Leader

Trivia and Facts

  • The film is an action-filled adventure released on January 6, 2023.
  • With a runtime of approximately 1 hour and 54 minutes, the movie demonstrates an engaging narrative throughout.
  • The film features a suspenseful storyline where Master Hughes takes on a formidable Bigfoot in the Kiamichi Mountains, much to the locals’ chagrin.
  • The director of the movie is Master Hughes who also starred in the film along with Ross De la Cerna.
  • The film was produced under the banner of Master Hughes Productions.
  • Music for this film has been entrusted to the music producer, Darren Curtis.
  • The art department contributors include individuals like Randy Newton and Linda Newton Perry.
  • Filming for this movie took place primarily in Oklahoma, USA.
  • Estimated budgeting for the film is said to have been approximately $10,000.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Oklahoma, USA
    • Latitude: 35.0077519
    • Longitude: -97.092877
    • Place ID: ChIJnU-ssRE5rIcRSOoKQDPPHF0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Oklahoma, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago