Torn Apart (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Torn Apart (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Torn Apart” was released in 1990. It highlights a riveting tale of love amidst the agitation in the Middle East region. In this movie made by Jack Fisher, spectators discover charming performances led by Tal Assif, Hanna Azoulay Hasfari, Omri Bar-Lev, and are offered a deeper look into the filming locations and behind-the-scenes details.

Where it Filmed?

“Torn Apart” started filming in Israel on August 15, 1988. It has multiple shooting scenes that spanned across the length and breadth of the country, with key highlights being in Jerusalem.MV5BMjM2NjY1MDk5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjMyNTkwMzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tal Assif Laila Malek ’61
Omri Bar-Lev Ami
Sharon Cohen Yonni
Oded Davidovitz Soldier II
Joan Faust D’vora Arnon
Michael Ginsburg Ben Arnon ’67 (voice)
Assi Hanegbi Lt. Col. Ben-Barak
Chaim Katz Dov
Daniel Kedem Ben Arnon ’61
Amos Lavi Fawzi
Izo Leibowitz Leonid
Yaffit Mazar Laila Malek ’67
Michael Morim Moustapha
Adrian Pasdar Ben Arnon
Cecilia Peck Laila Malek
Margrit Polak Ilana Arnon
Barry Primus Arie Arnon
Roy Rossano Ben Arnon ’67
Alon Shemesh Moustapha ’67
Ze’ev Shimshoni Shlomo
Arnon Zadok Prof. Ibrahim Mansour

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie “Torn Apart” belongs to the Drama/Romance genre.
  • It was released in the year 1990 in Israel.
  • The film was directed by Jack Fisher and written by a trio of writers namely – Jack Fisher, David Kraut, and Marc Kristal.
  • The runtime of the film is 1 hour and 36 minutes.
  • The movie was produced by Peter Arnow, Doron Eran, Danny Fisher, Uzi Gutshtat, Haim Mecklberg, and Jerry Menkin, among others.
  • The film’s cast includes Tal Assif as Laila Malek ’61, Hanna Azoulay Hasfari as Jamilah and Omar Bar-Lev as Ami.
  • The movie received 7 user reviews and 1 critic review.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Israel
    • Latitude: 31.046051
    • Longitude: 34.851612
    • Place ID: ChIJi8mnMiRJABURuiw1EyBCa2o
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Israel
    • Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem
  • Location Name: Jerusalem, Israel
    • Latitude: 31.768319
    • Longitude: 35.21371
    • Place ID: ChIJS_zBNNbXAhURy-FuRT5ib9k
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Jerusalem, Israel
    • Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem