Time Share (2000) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Time Share (2000) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Time Share” is a movie that was released in 2000. This is a family comedy film that features two single parents, a man and a woman, who, along with their children, accidentally share a house for their holidays. This article gives a detailed insight into where it was filmed, who played significant roles, and various interesting facts about the movie, both on and off the stage.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of the movie took place in two main locations. The first location is Malibu, California, USA, and the second one is Munich, Bavaria, Germany. The specific filming dates are not indicated.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Nastassja Kinski Dr. Julia Weiland
Timothy Dalton Matt Farragher
Kevin Zegers Thomas Weiland
Cameron Finley Max Weiland
Billy Kay Lewis Farragher
Kelli Garner Kelly the Beach Girl
Geoffrey Lower Russell
Randolph Mantooth Ken Crandall
George Murdock Cedric Templeton
Richard Tanner Smythe
Manny Fernandez Ferry Worker
Frank Cavestani Store Owner
Larry Robbins Judge
Chez Starbuck Tan Jock
Oliver Merv the Dog
Preston Ahearn Scientist
Pamela Bowen
Letitia Fox Waitress
John Hostetter Sam
Barbara Sharma Harriett
Maxine Stuart Ruth Farragher
Ralph Votrian Coast Guard Dispacther
Jeff Yesko Walla Group
Paul Vasquez Dockworker (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • This comedy-family genre movie was launched on 18th June 2000 in the USA.
  • The movie was directed by Sharon von Wietersheim.
  • The script was written by Eric Tuchman.
  • “Time Share” stars include Nastassja Kinski, Timothy Dalton, and Kevin Zegers.
  • Nastassja Kinski played the role of Dr. Julia Weiland, Timothy Dalton played Matt Farragher, and Kevin Zegers played Thomas Weiland.
  • The movie has a runtime of 1h 27min.
  • The movie’s final budget was $4,000,000.
  • Maxine Stuart’s last film was “Time Share”.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
    • Latitude: 48.1351253
    • Longitude: 11.5819806
    • Place ID: ChIJ2V-Mo_l1nkcRfZixfUq4DAE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Munich, Germany
    • Timezone: Europe/Berlin