They Live Inside Us (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

They Live Inside Us (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

They Live Inside Us is a horror film released in Canada on 6th October 2020 that lasts 1 hour and 43 minutes. It was directed and written by Michael Ballif alongside James Morris. The movie tells the story of a man seeking inspiration for his work as a writer and decides to spend Halloween night in a haunted house where he experiences his own horror story.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of They Live Inside Us took place in The Booth House, located in Nephi, Utah, in the USA.MV5BNTYwOTRkMWYtOWQ1ZS00OWJlLWJkYjUtNWVhODgyZGM2NWU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzg0MjU2Mjc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
James Morris Jake / Masked Killer / Scarecrow / Choppy the Clown / Count Spookula
Hailey Nebeker Woman in White
Emily Broschinsky Dani
Emily Ashby Dolly
Jordan Swenson Truck Driver
Allen Bradford Sleeping Slob
Michael Ballif News Reporter
Clement Ali Harvest Festival Crowd
Sadie Ballif 911 Operator / Harvest Festival Crowd
Jack Beck Scotty
Kira Morris Harvest Festival Crowd / Woman in White Double
Olivia Morris Harvest Festival Crowd
Tommy Morris Dennison
Jaren Soto Harvest Festival Crowd
Trena Soto Harvest Festival Crowd
Shelby Thomas Ghost Girl
Jake Watters Harvest Festival Crowd
Adam Zeller Choppy’s Victim


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released on 6th October 2020.
  • It falls under the horror genre.
  • Among the cast were James Morris, Hailey Nebeker, and Stevie Dust, with James Morris playing different roles such as Jake, the Masked Killer, Scarecrow, Choppy the Clown, and Count Spookula.
  • The director and writer of the film was Michael Ballif.
  • The film received 4 award wins and 10 nominations.
  • They Live Inside Us was produced by Witching Season Films and distributed worldwide by Gravitas Ventures(2020).
  • The film was shot on and off over a year, only on weekends.
  • It had a budget of approximately $10,000.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: The Booth House Nephi, Utah, USA
    • Latitude: 39.7102336
    • Longitude: -111.8363216
    • Place ID: ChIJ2SNVpkhWTIcRnvRRpPj5ttc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Nephi, UT 84648, USA
    • Timezone: America/Denver