The Pumpkin Karver (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Pumpkin Karver (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a discussion on “The Pumpkin Karver”, a horror movie starring Michael Zara, Amy Weber, and Brian Kary, released in 2006. We will delve into where this film was shot, the major actors’ roles, and several fun facts about the movie. Explore some interesting backstage stories and trivia about this chilling movie.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of ‘The Pumpkin Karver’ occurred in the city of Lancaster in California, United States. The specific filming dates are not mentioned. This place offered the eerie ambiance perfect for this horror plot with its unique landscape.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael Zara Jonathan Starks
Amy Weber Lynn Starks
Brian Kary MIB #1
Bryan Jamerson MIB #2
David J. Wright Alec / Pumpkin Face
Terrence Evans Ben Wickets
Jonathan Conrad A.J.
Jared Show Grazer
David Austin Lance
Charity Shea Rachel
Briana Gerber Viki
Alex Weed Spinner
David Phillips Bonedaddy
Amy Cowieson Go-Go Dancer
Amber Kendrella Marilyn Monroe
Thomas Hurn Joe
Minka Kelly Tammy Boyles
Lindsey Carpenter Amber
Rachelle Clune Connie
The Dust Poets Divine Chaos
Micah Plissner Divine Chaos Member
Steve Grindle Divine Chaos Member
Rob Murieta Divine Chaos Member
Kenny Gould Detective Farrows
Jack Spear Officer in Car
Dan Harris Officer Sirrah
Tony Little Officer Briggs
LuLu Ashbrook Trick or Treater
Travis Ashbrook Trick or Treater
Jordan Boucher Trick or Treater
Autumn Burgis Trick or Treater
Mikey Lanza Trick or Treater
Grant Stark Trick or Treater
Barry White Trick or Treater
Jacob Burgis Trick or Treater
Matthew Burgis Trick or Treater
Nick Heberle Trick or Treater
Ashley Lanza Trick or Treater
Lindsey Reeves Trick or Treater
Taylor Stephens Trick or Treater
David Stark Trick or Treater
Robert Mann DJ Jon on Radio (voice)
Kailea Brown Girl in Truck
Lisa Munz Party Dancer
Kristina Munz Party Dancer #2
Dillion Dilligaf Officer in car

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released on October 31, 2006, fittingly Halloween.
  • This horror movie is 90 minutes long.
  • The main roles are taken by Michael Zara who plays Jonathan Starks, Amy Weber who is Lynn Starks, and Brian Kary who acts as MIB#1.
  • The plot was written by Robert Mann and Sheldon Silverstein who also directed and produced the movie respectively.
  • It was filmed in Lancaster, California, USA.
  • The movie cost a total of 1,000,000 US dollars (estimated) to create.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Lancaster, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.703947
    • Longitude: -118.1481016
    • Place ID: ChIJQYDoaLFawoARBz4Lfc9yxFg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Lancaster, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles