The Incredible Journey (1963) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Incredible Journey (1963) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Incredible Journey, a movie released in 1963, brings to life the adventure and drama of two dogs and a cat on a quest to find their home. Directed by Fletcher Markle and written by James Algar and Sheila Burnford, the film features Émile Genest, John Drainie, and Tommy Tweed in significant roles. Now, let’s take a peek behind the scenes and unfold the filming spots and fascinating details about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie immortalized numerous locations with its filming. Key among these were Mono Mills, and Palgrave in Ontario, Canada and Sequim in Washington, USA. The beautiful Lake Vernon, situated in Huntsville, Ontario, and Aspdin in Muskoka, Ontario were also deployed as settings for the film. Though filming dates are not specified, these spots were vital in blending the movie’s distinctive setting into its storytelling.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
John Drainie Professor Jim Hunter
Tommy Tweed The Hermit
Sandra Scott Mrs. Hunter
Syme Jago Helvi Numi
Marion Finlayson Elizabeth Hunter
Ronald Cohoon Peter Hunter
Robert Christie James MacKenzie
Beth Lockerbie Nell MacKenzie
Jan Rubes Carl Nurmi
Beth Amos Mrs. Oakes
Eric Clavering Bert Oakes
Rex Allen Narrator (voice)
Syn Cat Tao -Cat (uncredited)
Muffy Bodger -Dog (uncredited)
Rink Luath -Dog (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The Incredible Journey, a drama-adventure movie, was released on 20th November 1963.
  • The film highlights an extraordinary 200-mile journey of two dogs and a cat towards their home.
  • Émile Genest starred as John Longridge, John Drainie as Professor Jim Hunter, and Tommy Tweed as The Hermit.
  • The supporting cast boasted notable performances from Sandra Scott, Syme Jago, and Marion Finlayson.
  • The storyline encapsulated the resilience and camaraderie of the animal family leading to an exciting adventure.
  • In an interesting twist, Bodger, the Bull Terrier portrayed as male, was in reality played by a female dog.
  • James Algar and Sheila Burnford were the writers while James Algar, Jack Couffer, and Walt Disney were the producers.
  • The Cinematography was done by Kenneth Peach while Oliver Wallace composed the music.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Mono Mills, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.945283
    • Longitude: -79.96919299999999
    • Place ID: ChIJPTeVjGMCK4gR5ezxcIqUrcI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mono Mills, ON L7K 0A1, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Lake Vernon, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 45.3295038
    • Longitude: -79.2971226
    • Place ID: ChIJc4gOKNdtKk0REAMRzEbkeZE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Lake Vernon, Huntsville, ON P0B, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Palgrave, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.9483819
    • Longitude: -79.8324755
    • Place ID: ChIJl9DEZwDiKogR3HFezci9Kw8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Palgrave, ON L0J, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto