The Green Slime (1968) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Green Slime (1968) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Green Slime, produced in 1968, is a fascinating film known for its thrilling drama and horror elements. Primarily shot in Japan, this film is appreciated for its impressive cast including Robert Horton as Commander Jack Rankin and Luciana Paluzzi as Dr. Lisa Benson. From the first scene to the last, the movie exposes viewers to an exciting narrative and insightful backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

The principal elements of this movie were shot at the Toei Tokyo Studios located in Japan. Unfortunately, specific filming dates for this production remain undisclosed. If you’re ever in the area, it’s definitely worth a visit to this historical landmark.MV5BMTczMDc0NjEwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODEwNjEyMQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robert Horton Commander Jack Rankin
Luciana Paluzzi Dr. Lisa Benson
Richard Jaeckel Commander Vince Elliott
Ted Gunther Dr. Hans Halvorsen
David Yorston Lt. Curtis
Robert Dunham Capt. Martin
Gary Randolf Cordier
Jack Morris Lt. Morris
Rocket Pilot
Eugene Vince Technician
Don Plante Technician
Linda Hardisty Nurse
Kathy Horan Nurse
Ann Ault Nurse
Susan Skersick Nurse
Helen Kirkpatrick Nurse
Linda Miller Nurse
Strong Ilimaiti Doctor
Enver Altenbay Technician
Tom Scott Lt. Scott
Rocket Pilot
Patricia Elliott Nurse
Abdo Apanai Medical Office Staff member (uncredited)
Jacques Enghien Medical Office Staff member (uncredited)
Terry Farnsworth Rocketship Member (uncredited)
Lynne Frederickson Secretary (uncredited)
Gunther Greve Technician (uncredited)
Cliff Harrington Space station crew member (uncredited)
Clarence Howard Patient (uncredited)
Sabel Jameel Medical Office Staff member (uncredited)
Thomas Korzeniowski Sergeant (uncredited)
Masanori Machida Alien creature (uncredited)
Linda Malsom Nurse (uncredited)
Burr Middleton (uncredited) (voice)
Robert Morris Soldier (uncredited)
Gus Paterson Space station crew member. (uncredited)
William Ross Ferguson (uncredited)
Hans-Jörg Seeberger Soldier (uncredited)
David Sentman Officer (uncredited)
Arthur Stark Barnett (uncredited)
George Wolfe Technician (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The Green Slime was released on 19th December 1968 in Japan.
  • This interesting film lasts exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes!
  • Directed by Kinji Fukasaku, this movie owes its gripping narrative to writers Ivan Reiner, Charles Sinclair and Bill Finger.
  • A thrilling drama and horror film, The Green Slime features Robert Horton, Luciana Paluzzi, and Richard Jaeckel as its leading cast.
  • Interesting fact: The strange green substance in the movie is a blob-like creature that mutates into one-eyed, tentacled monsters.
  • Unexpectedly, the green slime monsters that scare viewers were portrayed by Japanese children donned in bulky monster attires.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Toei Tokyo Studios, Tokyo, Japan
    • Latitude: 35.7057239
    • Longitude: 139.7311344
    • Place ID: ChIJH-1BhnGNGGARQUgwLM4YQ0M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Japan, 〒162-0804 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nakazatochō, 29−3 菱秀神楽坂ビル 1F
    • Timezone: Asia/Tokyo