Terrorgram (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Terrorgram (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film titled “Terrorgram” from 1990 is a unique blend of drama and fantasy. This movie, directed by Stephen M. Kienzle, tells the story of three horror tales linked by a mysterious delivery boy. The story titled “Heroine Overdose,” “Pandora,” and “Veteran’s Day,” came alive through the performances of James Earl Jones, Steven Field, J.T. Wallace, and other actors. Here you will find where the movie was filmed and more intriguing backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

“Terrorgram” was filmed in Long Beach, California, USA. Shooting for this movie started on November 28, 1988. This particular location was chosen to bring to life the fascinating and horrifying scenes in the film.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
James Earl Jones Retribution (voice)
Steven Field The Delivery Man
J.T. Wallace Eric Keller
Jerry Anderson Alan Smythee
Linda Carol Toner Angela Pandorus
Chris Alan Keller’s Friend
Michael Andrews Escaping Prisoner of War
Michael Anson American Patrol
Hediye Avci Novotny’s Sister
Jerry Baxter Prisoner of War
Gretchen Becker Mornel
Lance Benjamin 1st Executive
Bill Brinsfield Novotny’s Father
Thomas B. Capp Greg the Cameraman
Seraiah Carol Bowling Queen Marge
Max Chain American Patrol
Kevin Cole Lutchie’s Partner
Ashley Decker Little Girl Saluting
Don DeFilippo Biker Boy
Whitney Dillon Biker Boy
Bruce Fine Biker’s Studboy
Christine Gray Sil
Dmitiri E. Gurkweitz Associate Producer
Tony Harras Detective Merle Lutchie
Michael Hartson Novotny
Linda Holdahl Biker Bitch
Corey Holst 2nd Executive
Linda Hovenier Truck Driver
Jeff Jerome Jerry the News Director
Angela Jones Biker Bitch
Kim Lasater Melanie / Debbie
Jonathan Lawrence Detective Ford
Sheryl Mary Lewis Mother
Michael Louie Viet Cong Soldier
Lance Jonathan Mancuso Policeman in Condo
Diane Miller Mother
Frank Montelone Security Guard
Shannan Mulhauser Little Girl Saluting
Mark Nearing Prisoner of War
Gina Notrica Mildred Duque
Greg Ochs Policeman with Measuring Tape
Larry Omaha Interrogator
Paul Perm Zombie GI
Shawn Player American Patrol
Ronald Pryor Policeman
Katie Ribnick Motorcycle Cop / Biker Bitch
Michael SantaMaria Policeman on Street
Wayland Smaley Biker Boy
Harlene Stanley Bowling Queen Wanda
George Stewart Boy on Tricycle
Ty Tashiro Viet Cong Soldier
Miles ‘Cub’ Tomke Little Boy
William Uher Keller’s Friend
Quang Van Viet Cong Soldier
Kirsten Wagner Jenny
Robert Walker American Patrol
Robert Wasson Prisoner of War

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Trivia and Facts

  • The names of the main characters have interesting meanings. For instance, Alan Smythee in the film is closely related to Alan Smithee, the universal pseudonym used by film directors who desire to disown a project.
  • Angela Pandorus in the movie takes inspiration from the Greek myth of Pandora’s Box. According to the myth, Pandora was the first human created by the Greek Gods. She sparked a catastrophe when she opened a forbidden box that unleashed evil onto the world.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Long Beach, California, USA
    • Latitude: 33.7700504
    • Longitude: -118.1937395
    • Place ID: ChIJWdeZQOjKwoARqo8qxPo6AKE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Long Beach, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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