Tell Me Your Name (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Tell Me Your Name (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Tell Me Your Name” is a drama-horror movie that was released in August 2018 in Canada. The film showcases a girl named Ashley, who is searching for a connection after a troubled childhood and unwittingly invites a demonic force into her and her loved ones’ lives. The movie was directed by Jason DeVan and starred Jessica Barth, Sydney Sweeney, and Matt Dallas.

Where it Filmed?

“Tell Me Your Name” was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The shooting of this movie was completed within a month, starting from April 16, 2015, to May 2015. You will find an authentic depiction of Atlanta in this film.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jessica Barth Tanya Winbourne
Sydney Sweeney Ashley
Matt Dallas Pastor John Douglas
Bruce Davison Reverend Michael
Madison Lintz Hannah
Heather DeVan Sarah Winbourne
Austin Filson Shane Stevens
Ahmed Lucan Dr. Carraz
P.K. DeVan Dylan
Kyla Deaver Jordan
Lia McHugh Young Ashley
Mark Ashworth Dad
Liz Godwin Rosemary
Donna Biscoe Dr. Liles
Brennon Simmons Geoff
Betsy Hume Blake
Ben Kurland Dr. Gallagher
Hallie Jordan Nurse Jamie
Ashlyn Stallings Nurse Kelly
Tara Patterson Carrie
Kenneth C. Dunn Sam
Tristan DeVan Tyler
Katelyn Layne Summer Stevens
Cassius DeVan Caleb Stevens
Josh Gould Demon
Barbara Goodson Demon (voice)

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Trivia and Facts

  • In a scene in the movie, Ashley is confronted by Pastor John in a store where they discuss Canon DSLR model 7D, showing that Ashley has an interest and perhaps some knowledge about professional cameras.
  • “Tell Me Your Name” is followed by a sequel named “Along Came the Devil 2” that was released in 2019, adding to the storyline of the first film.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    • Latitude: 33.748752
    • Longitude: -84.38768449999999
    • Place ID: ChIJjQmTaV0E9YgRC2MLmS_e_mY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Atlanta, GA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York