Swamp Mama (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Swamp Mama (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Swamp Mama” also known as “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” was released in the year 2015. The film features a variety of characters with Kevin James playing the role of Paul Blart. This article delves into the fascinating details of where the film was shot, the main characters, as well as some fun and intriguing facts about its production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was largely filmed in various renowned locations within the United States. Here’s a look at some of these places:

  • One spot was the Wynn Las Vegas, located at 3131 Las Vegas Boulevard South in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • The Caesars Palace at 3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South in Las Vegas, Nevada also featured in the movie.
  • Apart from specific establishments, general outdoor scenes were taken from Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, situated at 3667 Las Vegas Boulevard South in Las Vegas, Nevada, was another filming scene.
  • Boca Raton in Florida was also utilized for some cinema shots.

The filming took place in Apr 2014.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Kevin James Paul Blart
Raini Rodriguez Maya Blart
Neal McDonough Vincent Sofel
Daniella Alonso Divina Martinez
David Henrie Lane
Shirley Knight Mom
Gary Valentine Saul Gundermutt
Ana Gasteyer Mrs. Gundermutt
Nicholas Turturro Nick Panero
Loni Love Donna Ericone
Shelly Desai Khan Mubi
Vic Dibitetto Gino Chizetti
Bas Rutten Henk
Steffiana De La Cruz Kira
Leif Gantvoort Carlos
Chelsea Vincent Nadia
Geovanni Gopradi Ramos
Conrad Goode Scott
Nico Santos Heath
Jackie Benoit Elderly Maid
Eric Genuis Pianist
Lauren Ash Mindy
Jackie Sandler Attractive Lady
Steve Wynn Steve Wynn
Andrea Wynn Andrea Wynn
Nikki Tyler-Flynn Mall Mom
Hudson West Andy
Greg Vaccariello Police Officer
Chris Monty Segway Employee
Scott Henry Agent Jenkins
Ryan Parsons Agent Parsons
Max Alexander Security Rep
Mike Burton Security Rep
George Klein Security Rep
Richie Minervini Security Rep
Paula Trickey Casino Waitress
Nichelle Hines VIP Receptionist
John Joseph Craps Dealer
Sean Christie Craps Shooter
Javier DelPrado Craps Stickman
Rob Magnotti Gambler #1
Chris Titone Gambler #2
Leif Manson Mini Ace Frehley
Zachary Morris Mini Gene Simmons
Joe Childs Mini Peter Criss
Brian Thoe Mini Paul Stanley
Daryl Morris Stern Man
Deven May Casino Security
Jared Sandler Jared
Todd Garner Father of Little Girl
Shea James Little Girl
LaToya Tonodeo Lady in Casino
Ryan Hanna Vincent’s Team
Cory DeMeyers Vincent’s Team
Chelsea Bakken La Rêve Performer
Aubree Balkan La Rêve Performer
Benoit Beaufils La Rêve Performer
Eric Chambray La Rêve Performer
Michelle Derstine La Rêve Performer
Carrie Dragland La Rêve Performer
Amber Dutenhoeffer La Rêve Performer
Tarrell Ervin La Rêve Performer
Erica Ficarrotta La Rêve Performer
Josh Fried Le Rêve Performer
Christopher Grabowski La Rêve Performer
Timothy Johnson La Rêve Performer
Colby Lemmo Le Rêve Performer
Spencer Mathey La Rêve Performer
Kelly McDonald La Rêve Performer
Ludivine Perrin-Stsepaniuk La Rêve Performer
Miguel Reyes La Rêve Performer
Williams Rodriguez La Rêve Performer
Michelle Rubino La Rêve Performer
Rachael Simon La Rêve Performer
Alexander Stabler La Rêve Performer
David Underwood La Rêve Performer
Kristina Underwood La Rêve Performer
Dustin Walston La Rêve Performer
Michael Wynn La Rêve Performer
Stephen Austin-Skordiles Showroom Audience Member (uncredited)
Natalia Bair UCLA Student (uncredited)
Adam Banz Mall Cop (uncredited)
Eleazar Barzart Convention Security Guard (uncredited)
Joseph Bell Bellhop (uncredited)
Greg Benoit Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Kevin Bielinski Security Guard (uncredited)
Tamila Bilalova Street Dancer (uncredited)
Bill Blair Mall Cop Conventioneer / Spectator (uncredited)
Brian Blu Casey- The Bellman (uncredited)
Tom Bonello Conventioneer / Security Guard (uncredited)
Jamie Budgen The Shadowman (uncredited)
Paul X. Campanella Restaurant Sommelier (uncredited)
Megan Fabyan Campbell Bikini Babe (uncredited)
Nicole Chauvet Mall Patron (uncredited)
Chemi Che-Mponda Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Elena Choo Maya’s UCLA Friend (uncredited)
Roger Julian Cross Mall Cop Conventioneer / Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Layla Dawn Mall Goer (uncredited)
Deana Deatherage Mall Shopper (uncredited)
Larry Degala Casino patron (uncredited)
Samantha Diane Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Roberto Diaz Spectator (uncredited)
K.J. Duffey Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Timothy Skyler Dunigan Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Maureen E. Durocher Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Amy Seddon Ebert Mall Patron / Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Aaron Egawa Convention Person (uncredited)
Alexander Garganera Mall Patron (uncredited)
Tyler Garrison Hotel Party Boy (uncredited)
Jacob Godzak Mall Cop (uncredited)
Eric Guideng Wedding Photographer (uncredited)
INGA Hakan Bride (uncredited)
Christina L. Hall Conventioneer (uncredited)
Keith L. Hall Mall Cop Conventioneer (uncredited)
John Oscar Hein Show Antendee / Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Anthony Henderson Partygoer (uncredited)
David Hershwitzky Mall Cop (uncredited)
Brandon Reid Hooper Citizen (uncredited)
Mark Justice Matt- Wynn Security (uncredited)
Adhir Kalyan Pahud (uncredited)
Samantha Kelly Casino Patron (uncredited)
Raed Khamis Pool Side (uncredited)
Steven Krasner Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Ricky Leyva Partygoer (uncredited)
Raul Limon Mall Cop Conventioneer / Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Kimya Mallory Dancer (uncredited)
John Marchitti Hotel Guest at Le Reve (uncredited)
Rob Marchitti Mall Cop (uncredited)
Dominic Marra Mall patron (uncredited)
Maria Marra Mall patron (uncredited)
Dean Mauro Pit Boss (uncredited)
Stephen G. McClelland Le Reve Security Agent (uncredited)
Heather Mehudar Hotel Guest / Mall Patron (uncredited)
Bonnie Mercado Mall Cop (uncredited)
Anthony Mingilino Mall Cop (uncredited)
Bryan Moore Casino Patron (uncredited)
Fernando Nava Background (uncredited)
Allyson Newell Extra (uncredited)
Michael James Nuells Security Officers Convention Server #1 (uncredited)
Alita Olson Valet (uncredited)
Eduard Osipov Gordon (uncredited)
Melissa Otero Mini Kiss Dancer (uncredited)
B.J. Parker Mall Cop (uncredited)
Frank Parrillo Mall Cop (uncredited)
Tommy Perez Mall Cop (uncredited)
Tommy Perkins Conventioneer (uncredited)
Aubry Peters Mall Cop (uncredited)
Christina Phung Lamborghini Girl / Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Lisa Plant Extra (uncredited)
Elise Quintana Cocktail Waitress (uncredited)
Abigail Rich Casino Cocktail Waitress (uncredited)
Joan Riegert Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Gabe Rizzo Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Rick Rizzo Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Brian Robak Mall Cop Conventioneer (uncredited)
Jonathan Ruggiero Conventioneer (uncredited)
Lani Sarem Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Mark Sawtelle Tourist (uncredited)
Rocky Self Background actor (uncredited)
Delia Sheppard Wealthy Woman (uncredited)
Seth Sieunarine Pool Attendant (uncredited)
Heather Silvio Partygoer (uncredited)
Kelsey Sissons Hotel Guest (uncredited)
James Sjurson Mall Cop / Conventioneer (uncredited)
Leland Smith Anxious Gambler (uncredited)
Jeffry Tamara Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Timothy M. Thomas Mall Cop / Conventioneer (uncredited)
Cherry Vercher Mall Cop (uncredited)
Christine Vienna Bentley Passenger (uncredited)
Tom Vodnik Party Guy (uncredited)
Kyle Vonn Elzey Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Karina Weeks Cocktail Waitress (uncredited)
Bryan Michael Williams Mall Cop (uncredited)
Shawn Wilson Security Officer at Convention (uncredited)
Teresa Zantua Hotel Guest (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The total runtime of the film is 1 hour and 34 minutes.
  • The film embraces a genre of action and comedy.
  • Its official release date in Germany was 09 Apr 2015.
  • The film was directed by Andy Fickman and written by Kevin James and Nick Bakay.
  • Apart from Kevin James who played Paul Blart, the film’s other stars included Raini Rodriguez as Maya Blart, Neal McDonough as Vincent Sofel, Daniella Alonso as Divina Martinez, and Eduardo Verástegui as Eduardo Furtillo, among others.
  • The film was appreciated with 1 win and 9 nominations for various film awards and accolades.
  • The movie has attracted 202 user reviews and 65 critic reviews so far.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Wynn Las Vegas – 3131 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    • Latitude: 36.126119
    • Longitude: -115.1619583
    • Place ID: ChIJlYYq3iLEyIAR7W-7y3M7wbE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Caesars Palace – 3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    • Latitude: 36.1157297
    • Longitude: -115.1732319
    • Place ID: ChIJxVarAbvFyIARUiI1wX4U3QI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 3570 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    • Latitude: 36.171563
    • Longitude: -115.1391009
    • Place ID: ChIJ0X31pIK3voARo3mz1ebVzDo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Las Vegas, NV, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino – 3667 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    • Latitude: 36.1099696
    • Longitude: -115.1700646
    • Place ID: ChIJqzfRYTbEyIARnAVadHZlVHw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 3667 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Boca Raton, Florida, USA
    • Latitude: 26.3683064
    • Longitude: -80.1289321
    • Place ID: ChIJJ_s278Ij2YgRyZVgyu6mPtI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Boca Raton, FL, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York