Starhops (1978) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Starhops (1978) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Starhops is a 1978 comedy film directed by Barbara Peeters. The movie tells a story about three individuals trying to save a failing drive-in restaurant. Dorothy Buhrman, Sterling Frazier and Jillian Kesner play the leading roles in the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in several locations in California, USA. Some prominent spots included 330 Washington Blvd, Marina Del Rey, California, and 1151 North Maclay Avenue, San Fernando, California. Unfortunately, the exact dates of filming are unavailable.MV5BNTcwMzMyMzU3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjk2Mzk1MQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Dorothy Buhrman Danielle
Sterling Frazier Cupcake
Jillian Kesner Angel
Anthony Mannino Kong
Paul Ryan Norman
Al Hopson Carter Axe
Dick Miller Herb
Don Maxwell Mr. Gries
Benjamin Stewart Sadowski
Larry Robb Mad Dog
Matthew Bright Customer
Gerald Krumm Restaurant Patron (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie Starhops released on March 8, 1978, in the USA.
  • It falls under the genre of Comedy and runs for approximately 82 minutes.
  • The movie initially received a PG rating. However, additional explicit language was later added to appeal to a different audience, leading to its R rating.
  • Dorothy Buhrman plays the character Danielle, Sterling Frazier plays Cupcake, and Jillian Kesner plays Angel.
  • The storyline focuses on these characters and their attempt to transform a failing drive-in burger joint into a successful business.
  • However, they face challenges from an oil tycoon, Carter Axe, who plans to replace their establishment with a giant gas station.
  • The producers of the film were Daniel Grodnik, John B. Kelly, Robert D. Krintzman, Jack Rose, Teri Schwartz, and Robert Sharpe.
  • Starhops was distributed by First American Films and Gold Key Entertainment in the United States and Intervision Video in the United Kingdom.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: California, USA
    • Latitude: 36.778261
    • Longitude: -119.4179324
    • Place ID: ChIJPV4oX_65j4ARVW8IJ6IJUYs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: California, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: 330 Washington Blvd, Marina Del Rey, California, USA
    • Latitude: 33.9806388
    • Longitude: -118.4635789
    • Place ID: ChIJaUh2maK6woARaYoTLNCTQn8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 330 Washington Blvd, Venice, CA 90292, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: 1151 North Maclay Avenue, San Fernando, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.2957837
    • Longitude: -118.4246298
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1151 N Maclay Ave, San Fernando, CA 91340, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles