Stand Alone (1985) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Stand Alone (1985) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Stand Alone” was released in 1985. This movie tells the story of the filming, starring Charles Durning, Pam Grier, and James Keach. Reading about the movie’s filming locations, its production journey, and uncovering some hidden trivia, can be quite fascinating.

Where it Filmed?

The filming for “Stand Alone” took place in Dallas, Texas, USA. The filming dates lined up in the month of August 1984. MV5BMjcwM2NmMjQtNzFiYS00YzI2LTgwZDItM2IyODJkM2Y1MWM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Charles Durning Louis Thibadeau
Pam Grier Cathryn Bolan
James Keach Detective Isgrow
Bert Remsen Paddie
Barbara Sammeth Meg
Lu Leonard Mrs. Whitehead
Luis Contreras Look-Out
Willard E. Pugh Macombers
Bob Tzudiker Farley
Mary Ann Smith Nurse Warren
Cory ‘Bumper’ Yothers Gordie
Holly Hardman Polly
Duane Tucker Johnnie
Douglas Durning Young Louis
Annie O’Donnell Hysterical Woman
Eddie Hartes Nervous Man
Robert Covarrubias Tattoo
Marty Zagon Officer Morton
Alan Marcus Machine Gun
Al Christy Dr. Holmes
Joe Alfasa Mr. Ruiz
Mercedes Alberti Translator
Kerry Yo Nakagawa Japanese Soldier #1
Joey Miyashima Japanese Soldier #2
Ed Pansullo Painter
Paul Anselmo Thug
Bob Yothers Officer Foster
Alan Abelew Guard
Jeffrey Leavitt Customer in Cafe #1
Jerry Anderson Customer in Cafe #2
Maryly Bucci Customer in Cafe #3
Nancy Kaine Customer in Cafe #4
Peter Dirlis Cocaine Cowboy #1
Kenny Ferrugiaro Cocaine Cowboy #2
Thomas Rosales Jr. Cocaine Cowboy #2
Bill Silva Cocaine Cowboy #4
Del Zamora Cocaine Cowboy #5
Greg Nawrocki SWAT Officer
Jerry Lynn Reed Paramedic
Lisa Tauber Nurse Martin
Chester Grimes Bartender
Caroline Swann Meg’s Friend
Sheila Silber Telephone Operator


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie details a World War II veteran’s struggle against gang members and drug dealers in his neighborhood.
  • It’s directed by Alan Beattie and written by Roy Carlson.
  • The film is a blend of action and drama, spanning an hour and 34 minutes.
  • Apart from the leads, other notable cast members include Bert Remsen, Barbara Sammeth, Lu Leonard, etc.
  • The movie includes elements of psychotronic-film, vigilantism, flashback and family relationships.
  • In various countries, it’s also known as Le forcené, El último recurso, Proin kommando, Viimeiseen pisaraan, etc.