Sol Invictus (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sol Invictus (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sol Invictus is a 2021 movie in the genres of action and drama. The film, shot in North Carolina, USA, features a cast that includes Jake White, Jake Brown, and Colin Conners. They portray young adults stranded on a hostile alien planet in the future. The movie offers interesting behind-the-scenes facts and insights.

Where it Filmed?

The filming for Sol Invictus took place in North Carolina, USA. Unfortunately, specific filming dates were not provided. The film was made possible by a team of professionals including the director and writer Ben Carland, alongside the stars Jake White, Jake Brown, and Colin Conners.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jake White Tyl
Jake Brown Lee
Colin Conners Badly Injured Boy
Caleb Courtney Eli
Sky King Lex
Aaron Kuban Adrian
Spenser Pollard Kit
Tyler Thomas Howard

Trivia and Facts

  • Ben Carland served as the director and writer, also contributing as a producer.
  • Alex Davis was in charge of the music, and the cinematography was executed by Nathan Levine-Heaney.
  • Editing was performed by Dylan Correll, and casting was managed by Michael McCaskey.
  • Various other team members contributed, including those in the makeup, sound, visual effects, and the camera departments.
  • The film had a budget of approximately $250,000.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: North Carolina, USA
    • Latitude: 35.7595731
    • Longitude: -79.01929969999999
    • Place ID: ChIJgRo4_MQfVIgRGa4i6fUwP60
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: North Carolina, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York