Siren (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Siren (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The “Siren” is a drama movie from 2013 that lasts 1 hour and 33 minutes. It centers around Leigh, a reclusive woman who excretes potent pheromones and has been living in a secluded home her entire adult life. This movie was directed and written by Jesse Peyronel with stars Vinessa Shaw, Robert Kazinsky, and Bess Wohl playing main characters.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of the “Siren” took place in Millis, Massachusetts in the United States. Unfortunately, specific filming dates have not been mentioned. MV5BNDg5Njk5ODU3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTU1NjY0NzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Vinessa Shaw Leigh
Robert Kazinsky Guy
Bess Wohl Agnes
Ross Partridge Carl
Christian Winsor Kip
Stephen O’Neil Martin Colton
Ben Hanson Levy
Luke Chapdelaine S.W.A.T. Team Member
Erin Cole Waitress
Alan Dary Cop
Kristina Ellery Carl’s Leigh
Chris Estes Town person
Munjeet Geyer Mailman’s Siren
Bill Mootos Cop
Peter Motson Leigh’s Father
Emily Petta Leigh’s Mother
John Talalas Fisherman
Rik Young


Trivia and Facts

  • Some of the postcards displayed on Leigh’s wall were addressed to Millis, Massachusetts, which is the actual location where the film was shot.
  • The movie revolves around the concept of a person’s reaction to pheromones, chemicals that can trigger specific responses, yet it contains a logical mistake. In the movie, it’s suggested that Guy, a character, was not affected by the pheromones because he couldn’t smell. However, in reality, even if someone can’t smell, they can still respond to pheromones since these substances are inhaled.
  • The initial lines of the film introduce Leigh as a ‘dangerous girl, which is a foreshadowing of her unique condition.