Signals 2 (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Signals 2 (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Signals 2″(2013), featuring a runtime of 1 hour 47 minutes, is an action and science fiction movie that was released on 29 Jun 2013 in the USA. The second film of the ‘Signals’ tetralogy, it presents a storyline inspired by the real CIA mind-control experimentation project ‘MK-Ultra’. With characters like American soldier Nick Marconi and FBI Agent Cody, the movie explores intriguing scenes and backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Signals 2″(2013) was majorly completed in Northern Virginia, Virginia, USA. Details about the exact filming dates of the movie are not available.MV5BMjI2MzA4MTk2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODczOTM2OQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Carlos Etzio Roman Nick Marconi
Sharon Carpenter-Rose FBI Agent Cody
Tracy Roman CTU Agent Tommy Brock
Kevin Troy FBI Agent Kaplan
Don Brittenham Detective Sergeant Don Brisko
Bruce Allen Dawson Detective Captain Vernon L. Black
Sandy Lisiewski FBI Agent Claire Pike
Mary Amerson Kate
Pablo A. Rodriguez Father Tony Marconi
Tom Lyle FBI Agent Pierce
Carla Renee Wanda
Danny D’Amico FBI Agent Bronson
Ted Taylor FBI Agent Saunders
Brittany Anne Walea Pamela Brisko
Kendra North Det. Susan Bailey
Jose L. Penaranda Detective
Henry Hickerson Neil O’Brian
Kathryn Cocroft President Landon
Jacob Canon Mr. Webber Bank Manager
Deirdre Milano Bianca – 1950’s
Scott R. Lemon SWAT Commander Delaney
Gary McDaniel Detective Gary MacMurphy
Benny Roman Nick Marconi – 1950’s
Ariana Almajan Det. Lt. Kay Dorsey
Chaka Balamani White House ERT 1
Kevin Barney Sheriff’s Deputy / Ambulatory CPR
Alexis Barone Bianca – 1931
Isaac Ignacio Bennett Nick Marconi 1931
David Berkenbilt Dr. Madden
Earl Burton Vice President
Ron Bush Bank Robber #3
Alejandro Chamorro Hospital EMT 2
Greg Coale FBI Special Agent Franklin Ferdie
Yamanee Coleman Bar Patron
Tara Dail SS Agent Prentiss
Raja Deka Dr. Landau
Joseph D. Durbin Drunk Bar Patron
Alex Emdadi Fayad
Eric Forbes President’s Chief of Staff
Ericka Gardner Gloria
Jason Gardner Businessman
Karl Goetzendanner Police Officer
Frank Gorman Dr. Frank Morelli
Billy Green ERT Member – S.W.A.T.
Dia Griffiths SWAT team member
Mike Gutowski Commander Talbot
Tina Haines Investment Banker
Melanie Hastings Brenda Simone
Derrick D’Angelo Hill Sr. Chuck
Gary House Thug #2 / O’Brian Henchman
Reshaun Jones Bar Tender
Shannon Lanier Col. Austin Conroy
Oscar Logan Jr. O’Brian Henchman 1
Anna Magoulas Distraught Mother
Terry McConnaughey Special Agent Mahoney
Deirdre McCullagh Leah Reback
Jim Morris Mr. Carrington
Jose Luis Munoz Businessman
Tom Myers FBI Agent in Bar
Jeffrey Dean O’Donnell Agent Hackett
Tim O’Hearn Thug #3 / O’Brian Henchman
Comelita Payton FBI Agent SS Williams
Theo Reynolds White House ERT #2.
Melissa B. Robinson O.R. Nurse
Lizbeth Romero Darcy
Tony Romito Detective
Sue Schaffel Bank Manager’s wife
Janelle Schmidt Cindy
Grand Master Eddie Thomas Thug #1 / O’Brian Henchman
Delano Walters Bank Guard 2
Lawrence Whitener Bank Guard – death scene
Paul Wiedecker SS Agent Garwin
J.D. Wine Jeff
David Young Hospital EMT 1


Trivia and Facts

  • The film was directed and written by Carlos Etzio Roman, who also played the lead role of Nick Marconi.
  • Other key characters in the film include Sharon Carpenter-Rose as FBI Agent Cody, and Tracy Roman as CTU Agent Tommy Brock.
  • It’s the second installment in the ‘Signals’ tetralogy series.
  • The movie had a modest budget of an estimated $300,000.
  • The film storyline explores the life of Nick Marconi, an American soldier victim of his government’s experiment, who has ongoing healing powers and is in search of a son he never knew.
  • The movie’s storyline is inspired by the real CIA mind-control experimentation project ‘MK-Ultra’.