Shelter (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Shelter (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Shelter” is a movie released in 2015, it’s a drama and sci-fi film that lasts for around 1 hour and 37 minutes. The film showcases a survival story of five individuals enduring nuclear winter in a bomb shelter. The movie is directed by Wrion Bowling and Adam C. Caudill. The main casts of the film include Joyce Hshieh, Michael Patrick Lane, and Sarah Street.

Where it Filmed?

“Shelter” was mainly filmed in Akron, Ohio, United States. Unfortunately, the details about its filming dates are not available. Looking at the movie, it was centered around one specific location, which is the bomb shelter. Hence, most of the scenes were shot there.MV5BMjA4MzA1MDYwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTMzMDU0NTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Joyce Hshieh Chelsea
Sarah Street Marisa
Jeffrey Green Jeff
Matt Pantaleno Intercom Voice (voice)
Eric R. Williams Man at Desk

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie’s title “Shelter” relates to the survival story of five people in a bomb shelter.
  • The runtime of the movie is 97 minutes.
  • The number on the can of peas (091610) shown in the film is the date of the first day of shooting. This showcases a little bit of the backstage reality.
  • Amy K. Spencer handled the production design of the film.
  • The movie is not rated in the United States but received a 15 rating in the United Kingdom.
  • The film was produced by Afflicted Pictures and distributed by Clever Name Studios.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Akron, Ohio, USA
    • Latitude: 41.081199
    • Longitude: -81.51883769999999
    • Place ID: ChIJt_oui5XXMIgRBG0m_ZVsySk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Akron, OH, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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