Season of Change (1994) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Season of Change (1994) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The 1994 drama movie, “Season of Change”, is a film that unfolds the life of a young girl who stumbles upon her father’s secret, leading to a significant shift in their lives. The movie was directed by Robin P. Murray and penned by Shirley Hillard, showcasing actors like Jo Anderson, Hoyt Axton, and Jeannine Bisignano playing key roles. This article sheds light on the locations where the film was shot, the timeline of filming, and some backstage facts and trivia that might interest you.

Where it Filmed?

“Season of Change” was filmed entirely in the United States, precisely at Hamilton, a fascinating city located in Montana. The process of shooting this 91-minute drama started on December 17, 1991, and wrapped up on January 23, 1992. The winter season in Montana served as an engaging backdrop for unfolding the captivating events of the film.MV5BMTkyNjUwMzY4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzEyNzI3NTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jo Anderson Martha Parker
Hoyt Axton Big Upton
Jeannine Bisignano Jonelle Murphy
Veronica Brown Mrs. Custer
Kira Endsley Fay Murphy
Bette Ford Granny Upton
Muzzy Lambert Elizabeth Bascomb
Michael Madsen Randy Parker
Gloria M. Malgarini Dance Teacher
Kevin McBride Reverend Appleby
Nicholle Tom Sally Mae Parker
Gregory Scott Turner Wayne Otis
Vinny Vella Michael

Trivia and Facts

Despite being a drama film, “Season of Change” garnered two awards, reflecting the high-caliber of the cast and crew’s performance. It was produced by diligent producers like Charles Lippitz and Robin P. Murray.
It’s interesting to note that apart from the impressive sound department of the film, the artwork was masterminded by Bonnie Cannon, while Kathleen Hawley was the hand behind the captivating costumes. The makeup tasks were handled by the phenomenal makeup artist, Emily Katz.
Bruder Releasing originally distributed the movie outside the United States, but later Wild Horses Productions took over the worldwide distribution in 2001. A special thanks was conveyed to the Montana Film Office in the movie. The genres are drama and the plot is heavily centered around topics like young love, and aspects of World War II era.