Schizopolis (1996) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Schizopolis (1996) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Schizopolis” is a movie from 1996, directed and written by Steven Soderbergh. The main characters are Fletcher Munson, a lazy worker of a self-help company and his alter ego Dr. Jeffrey Korchek who is a dentist. This article provides an overview of where this unique, blend of comedy and fantasy was filmed and who played what roles, and also presents some interesting trivia related to the film.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Schizopolis” was shot in the city Baton Rouge, located in Louisiana, USA. Information about the filming dates is unfortunately not available.MV5BMjA5MzgyMTE0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTc5Njcy. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Scott Allen Right Hand Man (uncredited)
Betsy Brantley Mrs. Munson / Attractive Woman #2 (uncredited)
Marcus Lyle Brown Corporate Mole (uncredited)
Joe Chrest Man in Parking Lot (uncredited)
Silas Cooper The Mysterious Couple (uncredited)
C.C. Courtney Man Being Interviewed (uncredited)
Sonny Cranch Pastor (uncredited)
Ann Dalrymple Secretary (uncredited)
Darrin Dickerson Photo Store Customer (uncredited)
Andre du Broc Corporate Drone (uncredited)
Ann Hamilton Mrs. Schwitters (uncredited)
John Hardy Talkshow Host (uncredited)
Miles Hardy Baseball player (uncredited)
Coleman Hough (uncredited)
Lori Jefferson Dental Patient (uncredited)
Eddie Jemison Nameless Numberhead Man (uncredited)
David Jensen Elmo Oxygen (uncredited)
Rodger Kamenetz Cardiologist (uncredited)
Katherine LaNasa Diane (uncredited)
Margaret Lawhon TV Newscaster (uncredited)
Mike Malone T. Azimuth Schwitters (uncredited)
Cristin McAlister Personal Assistant (uncredited)
Gordon Mese Debt Collector (uncredited)
John Mese Depressed Guy (uncredited)
L. Christian Mixon Bad Guy (uncredited)
Linda Mixon Schwitters Fanatic (uncredited)
Liann Pattison The Mysterious Couple (uncredited)
Steven Soderbergh Fletcher Munson / Dr. Jeffrey Korchek (uncredited)
Ronnie Stutes Lawyer (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • In an interesting casting choice, Steven Soderbergh chose to cast his ex-wife, Betsy Brantley, as the wife of his character in the movie. This brought added realism to the characters, who portrayed a couple struggling with communication.
  • Despite being a professional production, the word “circumcised” was misspelled on a truck in one of the movie scenes.
  • Despite its uniqueness, the movie managed to enter pop culture, being referenced in the 2003 animated feature “Brother Bear”.
  • Adding a dash of humor to the end credits, the filmmakers assure the audience, “No fish were harmed during the making of this film.”
  • One of the most talked-about quotes from the movie is a conversation between the characters played by Soderbergh and a neighbor, which involves playful banter about the neighbor’s wife.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 30.4514677
    • Longitude: -91.18714659999999
    • Place ID: ChIJy3RfMmc4JIYRHZpXkdvxIyE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago