Saving Sloane (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Saving Sloane (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie Saving Sloane, released in 2021, is a story of a rebellious city girl named Sloane who is sent to the country where she unexpectedly bonds with a horse. The drama-family film, with a runtime approximately 89 minutes, is directed by Steve Franke and stars Augustine Frizzell, Farah White and Liz Cardenas. This article provides insights about various filming locations, timelines and some behind-the-scenes facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

Saving Sloane took its filming to the heart of Texas. The main shooting took place at Crescent Creek Farms situated in Weatherford, Texas, USA. The movie was filmed in the year 2013. MV5BMWIyMGY2ZWItODg3ZS00ZjE3LTlkMjYtMWNjODk1NzAzNWI2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTg4MDYyNw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Augustine Frizzell Lily Winters
Farah White Jordan Jensen
Liz Cardenas Peyton Emerson
Bryan Massey Otis Walker
Taylor Foster Sloane Emerson
Gerardo Davila Officer Cruz
Jack O’Donnell Mitch Emerson
Deanne Lauvin Principal Thomas
Atheena Frizzell Natasha
Kenzie Pallone Sophie Winters
Sierra Jade Gerban Vivienne
Collin Place Dylan Matthews
Vanessa Neumann Charlotte Winthrop
Austin Page Gabe
Miranda Jo Payton Sara Matthews
Dustin Simington Sebastian Wright
G. Johnson Calvin
Vanessa Andrews Charlotte Winthrop

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie has a duration of about one hour and 29 minutes.
  • Main characters in the movie are played by actors Augustine Frizzell, Farah White and Liz Cardenas.
  • The director of the movie, Steve Franke, also contributed as the writer.
  • Casting of the movie was done by Sally Allen and Toni Cobb Brock.
  • Major work such as production management, camera and electrical, costume and wardrobe, location management, and script and continuity, were managed by different departments.
  • The film was released under the distributors Lionsgate Films and Lionsgate Home Entertainment.
  • The movie, also known as “Finding Glory”, was later shown in Germany and Brazil with different titles.
  • The plot keywords associated with the movie are girl, kids-movie, horse and teenage-girl.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Crescent Creek Farms, Weatherford, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 32.92312
    • Longitude: -97.932227
    • Place ID: ChIJd6KJVpkEUoYRsuuKMl9lbrg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 2357 Advance Rd, Weatherford, TX 76088, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago