Sanctified (2022) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sanctified (2022) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Sanctified” is a simple title of a western movie that came out in 2022. It features a story of an outlaw saved by a nun, who takes her to a church in return for nursing him back to health. Famous actors, Daniel Bielinski, Tiffany Cornwell, and Andrew E. Wheeler played the leading roles in this movie. If you’re interested to know more about where scenes of this movie got filmed, continue reading!

Where it Filmed?

This film was shot in the USA, specifically in Medora, North Dakota to be precise. Unfortunately due to the lack of data, the exact filming dates cannot be mentioned here.MV5BNGFmYmZiNjItM2E2OC00MWNiLWJmN2EtZjk5ZDI0MzI5ZDVhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3MDk2NDg2. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Daniel Bielinski Weston
Tiffany Cornwell Hildegard
Andrew E. Wheeler Shaw
Carl Swanson Emmett
Chelsey Grant Claire
Kevin Christopher Lokey Fur Trader
Allan Demaray Little Hawk
Monica Henke Young Nun
Emily Walter Mother Superior
Ryan Duffey Outlaw
Joe Bouchey Outlaw
Thomas Fleischacker Outlaw
Bart Stillwell Outlaw
Mike McNeil Outlaw
Kim Shade Outlaw
Mack Schroer Outlaw
Jayson Jones Outlaw
Liam Dorman Outlaw
Jerry Nelson Outlaw
Ben Brock Outlaw
Jeff Jung Outlaw
Sue Mosser Nun
Megan Krantz Nun
Calli Thorne Nun

Trivia and Facts

The movie is primarily in the English language and it’s a color film. It’s runtime is approximately 1 hour and 29 minutes.
The director of the movie is Nickolaus Swedlund. The lead roles were played by Daniel Bielinski who portrayed the character ‘Weston’, Tiffany Cornwell as ‘Hildegard’ and Andrew E. Wheeler as ‘Shaw’.
The story of the movie revolves around an outlaw who is rescued from death by a nun in the year 1890, in North Dakota. She nurses him back to health, and in return, he guides her to a church located in the Badlands.
Lastly, the film has a significant tagline ‘We Always Pay in Blood’ which adds intensity to its western genre.MV5BMmM4MDVkZmYtN2ZhMS00NGQyLWFhMGYtODI1Y2Y5ZDEzODA3XkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820