Run for Cover (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Run for Cover (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Run for Cover” was released in 1995 and is an action thriller. The film features Tom Dunne, Adam West, and Viveca Lindfors playing key roles. Here we’re going to share what places were used for filming and some lesser-known details about the film and its creation.

Where it Filmed?

The entire movie “Run for Cover” was filmed in New York City. The exact dates of filming are unknown, but the finished film was brought to screens in Hungary on 16th November 1995.MV5BMjFmZjY1ZDAtNDVkMi00NmQyLTk3Y2ItYjFjOTI0NjZiYjMyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tom Dunne Jay Fleming
Adam West Senator Prescott
Viveca Lindfors Senator Anderson
Rudolf Martin Mr. Spengel
Ed Koch The Mayor
Curtis Sliwa Self
Lynn Samuels Activist
Naira Soibatian Susan Welles
Dina Ipavic Anne Sommers
Natasha Espledra Lissette Caron
Mark McIlraith Kyle Flynn
Koby Benvenisti Yuri Roski
John Knox Alan Corey
Armin Armani Featured
Herb Boyd Reverend Sharpton Aide
Joe Callo Paintball Victim
Jon Collins FBI Agent
Hope Davis Prescott’s Secretary
Carmine Famiglietti Drunk in Precinct
Laura Gardner Commuter
Lisa Gardner Commuter
Richard W. Haines Frustrated Driver in Tunnel
Ted Kelly Al – The Bartender
Arthur Lundquist Reporter
Hank Maros Secret Service Man
Joseph Molino Driver
Kristen Moser Helen Angel
Brian Newkirk Jailer
Betty Ouyang Carol Chin
Miljan Peter Ilich Featured
Neil Ruddy Agent Munsen
Matt Sarter Alan Smithee
Michael G. Sayers Program Director
Kat Walker Reporter
Sewell Whitney Agent Brownlow

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Trivia and Facts

  • Viveca Lindfors is linked to another film with the same name, “Run for Cover, dating back to 1955. Despite sharing the same title, it is crucial to highlight that the 1995 thriller isn’t a remake of the picture from 40 years prior.
  • The typical 3D features in the film are “female nudity” and “3-dimensional”.
  • Also known as “Run for Cover in 3D” in the United States and “A félelem csapdájában” in Hungary.
  • The catchphrase of this movie is “A city under siege. Who will stop them?”
  • Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
      • Latitude: 40.7127753
      • Longitude: -74.0059728
      • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
      • Timezone: America/New_York