Remnants (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Remnants (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Remnants is a film from 2013 set in an era where an astronomical event causes a permanent blackout worldwide. This forces the movie’s characters to adapt to a life without modern-day conveniences. The movie features a host of actors including Tom Sizemore, Wilbur Fitzgerald, and Alex Van, and directors Tim Szczesniak, André Freitas, and Chance White. In the following sections, we will discuss where the film was shot and outline some interesting facts about the movie’s production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed at different locations across the United States. These include Marietta, and Rising Fawn, in Georgia, as well as Raleigh, in North Carolina. Each location provides a unique backdrop adding to the overall richness and diversity of the film’s visual narrative.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tom Sizemore General Vincent Tate
Wilbur Fitzgerald President Marshall Erwin
Alex Van Scott Fehrman
Robert Pralgo Art Bernard
Adam Minarovich Secretary Pierce Brown
Justin Welborn Brian Sears
Vanelle Gwen Bernard
Donald Sill Merl
Jeff Briggs Morris
Addy Miller Melissa Bernard
Whit Davies Chief of Staff
Travis Young Press Secretary
Tate Clemons Grace
Will Cone Secretary of Defense
Tara-Nicole Azarian Amber
Omer Mughal Scientist #2
Aaron Bishop Lee
Karen Boles News Radio Reporter
Ashley LeConte Campbell Sec of Homeland Security
Harley Castro Soldier
Robert Clinton Terrence
Will Cone Secretary of defense
Lee Darnell White Man
JD Demers (as Jonathon Demers)
Roxanna Demers Zoe
Nick Errato Cyprus
Eric Goodson Reporter 1
Colleen Ann Guest TV News Reporter
Gina Herron Linda
Paul Hilburger Tyson
Carelton Holt Helicopter Soldier
Christopher Houldsworth Axe Man
Charlie Huffman Neighborhood Resident
Dean Allen Jones Neighbor
Nina Jones First Lady Erwin
Andrew R. Kaplan Dr. Wilson
Nick Karner John Riddick
Jason Kimball Rob
Keith Kittrelle Jamal
Todd Lackey Neighbor
Tanner Lagasca Excalibur Estates Resident
Chason Lane Boy with BB Gun
Rebecca Larken Excalibur Estates Resident
Wanda Lilly Excalibur neighbor
David J. Mack Lance
Maxie McClintock Communications Officer Maxey
Cheryl McConnell Neighbor
Marianne Meador Station Manager
Anna Nalepka Reporter
Brad Nelson Secret Service Agent
Davis Osborne The Wonderer
Jeremy Pendleton Dress Soldier
Barry Piacente Richard Hollis
Lexy Raiford Infiltrator
Ron Rice Percy
Michael Ryan Rola Soldiers
Jennifer Russoli White House Press Aide
Josh Schmitt Excalibur neighbor
Bill Spitz Excalibur Estates Resident
Phil Stork Excalibur Estates Resident
Lyn A. Thomas Excalibur Estates Resident
Michael S. Thomas Dave Bernard
Simon M. Thomas Excalibur Estates Resident
Kayli Maree Tolleson Little Girl
David Topp Tom
Alan Watkins Subdivision Resident
Kevin Woods Secret Service Agent
Jenn Wright Jennifer
Tracey Coppedge Neighbor (uncredited)
Thomas Gidlow Radio Broadcaster (uncredited)
Fox Rice Excaliber Estate Teen (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film was released in May 2013, particularly in France.
  • It’s noted for being an action-drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 34 minutes.
  • The plot gets triggered by a rare astronomical event causing a worldwide blackout and changing life as we know it.
  • The film was directed by Tim Szczesniak, André Freitas, and Chance White.
  • The key roles were portrayed by actors Tom Sizemore, Wilbur Fitzgerald, and Alex Van.
  • The screenplay was the work of Paul Hilburger and Adam Minarovich.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Rising Fawn, Georgia, USA
    • Latitude: 34.7600791
    • Longitude: -85.531076
    • Place ID: ChIJEQcRbeg1YIgRTlWB2Xke4MQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Rising Fawn, GA 30738, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
    • Latitude: 35.7795897
    • Longitude: -78.6381787
    • Place ID: ChIJ9-BRny9arIkRrfARilK2kGc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Raleigh, NC, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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