Patient Killer (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Patient Killer (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Patient Killer” from 2014 is a thrilling drama where a psychiatrist, while trying to solve her patient’s nightmares, impulsively uses hypnosis and invites deadly results. Filmed in Florida, USA, the movie features Victoria Pratt, Barbie Castro, and Casper Van Dien in the main roles. Dive into more information and captivating backstage facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

Patient Killer was filmed primarily in Florida, USA with Fort Lauderdale being one of its chief locations. However, the exact filming dates aren’t specified.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Victoria Pratt Victoria Wrightmar
Barbie Castro Blaire Bennett
Casper Van Dien Jason Turner
Richard Burgi Doctor Sylvan
Patrick Muldoon Derek Barris
Antoni Corone Detective Cameron
David Chokachi Dylan McNalt
Torey Adkins Manager
Mike Benitez Overweight Man
Cristina Figarola Secretary
Wil J. Jackson Security
Keri Maletto Nurse
Chris Marks Police Officer
Christina Rodriguez Police Officer
Mickey Caruana Forensic Photographer
Frenchi Firecracker Beach girl
Laurel Levey Fan at Bookstore

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Trivia and Facts

Here are some interesting facts about the movie:
– “Patient Killer” involves a complex plot where history seems to repeat itself as Victoria, the psychiatrist, comes across a patient with a case eerily similar to a past patient, Dylan.
– The director of the movie is Casper Van Dien, and the script was authored by Bryan Dick and Brian D. Young.
– The thriller was acknowledged with 3 wins during its time.
– The cast list involves Victoria Pratt playing Victoria Wrightmar, Barbie Castro as Blaire Bennett, and Casper Van Dien as Jason Turner. These characters constitute the crucial part of the storyline.
– The movie company Concord Films collaborated with MarVista Entertainment for the production of “Patient Killer.”
– During the movie, a notable goof can be spotted where Blaire’s firing angle and the bullet holes position do not match.

Exploring the movie “Patient Killer” opens a boxful of intriguing elements in its production history, making it an even more interesting watch for its fans.MV5BMjI5NzYwODcyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTczOTE3MjE@. V1 QL75 UX820