Paranoid (2000) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Paranoid (2000) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Paranoid, a movie from 2000, is a horror and thriller film that tells the story of a group of high school students who organize a haunted house to fund their senior trip. However, when a series of murders occur, they find themselves on a hunt for a serial killer. Directed by Ash Smith and starring Shanda Lee Munson, Summer Sloan LaPann, and Brandon O’Dell, the movie offers suspense and interesting behind-the-scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

The movie Paranoid was filmed mainly in Hanson, Massachusetts, USA. The specific dates for the film production are not disclosed. The choice of the filming location contributed to the overall suspense and eeriness of the film.MV5BMTQ0Nzg0Nzc0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzIzNDA0MQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Summer Sloan LaPann Courtney Turner
Brandon O’Dell Norman Hanson
Shawn Wright Jason Stocks
Michael Short Michael Mancinni
Denny Zartman Freddie (Hell Raiser) Williams
Tyler Thebaut Girl at Gym (victim)
Frank Brennan Sheriff Stocks
Bob Harter Sarah’s Dad
Deborah Smith Sarah’s Mother
Carolyn McReynolds Aunt Jilly
Kirk Kirkpatrick Ticket Seller
Ron Lavery Professor
W.L. Green Police Officer
Mike Hedelius Police Officer
Chris Robertson Police Officer
Jimmy Pearson Police Officer (Jail)
John Coffman Police Officer
Kevin Wayne FBI Agent
Dan Magee Killer #1
Chris Elwell Killer #2
John Paul Rice Killer #3
Gretchen Huggins Pretty Girl (School) #1
Ray Baugh Janitor
Melissa Langton Gym Patron
Melinda Russell Gym Patron
Leslie Duke Forensics
Melanie Parker Forensics
Scott Lewis Forensics
Sherry Decker Forensics
Ruth Dalton FBI Agent
Wayne Blum FBI
Michael Cooper Bystander
Ted Hickey Bystander
Jeff Lisle EMT #1
Rich Benton EMT #3
Fred Allen Haunted House Patron
Samantha Guthrie Patron
Connie Barker Haunted House Patron
Sabrina Wagner Patron
Genevieve Perrin Patron
Denise Perrin Patron
Jonathan Chase Patron
Stacy Holland Patron
Michael Power Worker Carrying Pumpkin
Lisa Arnold Raver
Amanda Baker High School Student / Raver
Laura Baker High School Student / Raver
Jennifer Barney High School Student
Derek Battle High School Student
Monica Battle High School Student
Erika Blount High School Student
Wendy Blount High School Student
Barry Brookshire High School Student
Margaret Donaldson High School Student
Matthew Donaldson High School Student
John Dulce Raver
Jordan Fletcher High School Student
Jennifer Hannah High School Student / Raver
Jen Jenkins High School Student
Mena Keyes Raver
Rachael Lambert High School Student
Melissa Langston Raver
Susan Littlefield High School Student
Emily Prince High School Student
Brannon Purvis Raver
Brian Purvis Raver
Byron Purvis High School Student / Raver
Susan Rocca High School Student
Michael Rouby High School Student
Hudson Rouse High School Student
Ginny Sparrow High School Student
Erika Stewart Raver
Katie Summers High School Student
Calvin Till Raver
Karen Trimble Raver
David Walsh Raver
Josh Weeks Raver
Sophia Candace Garvin Haunted House Patron (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Paranoid is a movie made in the year 2000, falling under the genres of horror and thriller.
  • The movie runs for a duration of 1 hour and 27 minutes.
  • Ash Smith directed and wrote the movie.
  • The main stars of the movie are Shanda Lee Munson, Summer Sloan LaPann, and Brandon O’Dell.
  • The movie originally got reviews by 23 users and 9 critics.
  • The filming location for Paranoid was in Hanson, Massachusetts, USA.
  • The movie’s estimated budget was $100,000.
  • One continuity error in the movie is evident when the teenagers’ car breaks down. In one scene, a blonde girl puts her hand on her head, appearing worried. However, the following shot shows her hands at her sides.
  • Interestingly, the movie references another famous thriller film, Psycho (1960).

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hanson, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.0751892
    • Longitude: -70.8800187
    • Place ID: ChIJxdZIXgiZ5IkRHbA3pYCYKtE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hanson, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York