Pacific Heights (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Pacific Heights (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Pacific Heights” is a thrilling movie released in 1992. This movie portrays how a couple transforms their dream house and becomes landlords to finance it, but faces unexpected trouble from a tenant. The film features Melanie Griffith, Matthew Modine, and Michael Keaton in the leading roles.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed at various locations across California, USA. Specific sites include Potrero Hill in San Francisco, the Marriott Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles, and Culver Studios in Culver City. Other filming spots involve Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, and a general California location. The filming took place between the dates of January 23, 1990, and March 21, 1990.MV5BMzMwZjMwZDMtMWYyYi00YTYzLWFjZjEtNjQ1OWJhYTQzYTlhXkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Melanie Griffith Patty Palmer
Matthew Modine Drake Goodman
Michael Keaton Carter Hayes / James Danforth
Mako Toshio Watanabe
Nobu McCarthy Mira Watanabe
Laurie Metcalf Stephanie MacDonald
Carl Lumbly Lieutenant Lou Baker
Dorian Harewood Dennis Reed
Luca Bercovici Greg
Tippi Hedren Florence Peters
Sheila McCarthy Liz Hamilton
Guy Boyd Warning Cop
Jerry Hardin Bennett Fidlow
Dan Hedaya Loan Officer
James Staley District Attorney Henry
Miriam Margolyes Realtor
Luis Oropeza Revilla
F. William Parker Judge Mitchell Black
Nicholas Pryor Hotel Front Office Manager Neil Spisak
Tony Simotes Desk Clerk Victor
O-Lan Jones Hotel Maid Patricia
Seth Isler Sergeant Bobby Amato
Dabbs Greer Mr. Thayer
Florence Sundstrom Mrs. Thayer
Noel Evangelisti Mrs. Smith
Nicholas Rutherford Child
Tim Pulice Younger Man
Ray Hanis Older Man
Takayo Fischer Bank Teller
Tom Nolan Al
Daniel MacDonald George
J.P. Bumstead 1st Deputy Sheriff
Hal Landon Jr. 2nd Deputy Sheriff
Hy Anzell Locksmith Manford Bagel
Tracey Walter Exterminator
William Paterson Mr. Hill
D.W. Moffett Bill
Barbara Tyson Amy
John Diaz Shoe Shine Man
Roger Bearde Arresting Cop
Ed Hodson Other Cop
Frank DiElsi Precinct Cop
Maggy Myers Davidson Diamond Lady
Bud Ekins Thug
Danny Wynands Thug
David Lloyd Wilson Television Host
Matthew Flint Neighbor
Scott Freeman Neighbor
Alice Barden Neighbor
Danny Kovacs Neighbor
Wat Takeshita Neighbor
Frank Maruoka Neighbor
Tohoru Masamune Neighbor
Aida Anderson Neighbor
Linda Austin Neighbor
Beverly D’Angelo Ann Miller (uncredited)
Brian Danker Arresting Officer (uncredited)
Frank Ferruccio Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Casey Ledoux Lawyer (uncredited)
Matthew Running Water McFadden Business Man (uncredited)
Neil O’Neill Truck Driver (uncredited)
John Michael Quinn Yacht Guest (uncredited)
Christabel Savalas Bank Teller (uncredited)
John Schlesinger Man in Elevator (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed by John Schlesinger and written by Daniel Pyne.
  • Other noticeable cast members include Mako Toshio Watanabe, Laurie Metcalf, Carl Lumbly, Dorian Harewood, and Tippi Hedren.
  • The movie is of the thriller genre and has a running time of 1 hour and 42 minutes.
  • “Pacific Heights” underwent filming starting from January 23, 1990, until March 21, 1990.
  • A variety of reviews have been written about the movie, including from 139 users and 39 critics.
  • Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Culver Studios – 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA
      • Latitude: 34.02408580000001
      • Longitude: -118.3929057
      • Place ID: ChIJq41JZhW6woARnPdhtJsHvsI
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: 9336 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232, USA
      • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
    • Location Name: California, USA
      • Latitude: 36.778261
      • Longitude: -119.4179324
      • Place ID: ChIJPV4oX_65j4ARVW8IJ6IJUYs
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: California, USA
      • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
    • Location Name: Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, USA
      • Latitude: 34.0622143
      • Longitude: -118.3969784
      • Place ID: ChIJEaZp8vy7woARjGmTFLmsQsc
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Canon Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
      • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

    MV5BNTRmY2Y0MjAtMzAyZC00NjdkLWFlOTItMDQ3YzY1YjdiM2I1XkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BNjRjOTFlNzQtMDg1OS00YWU2LThiZWYtMDFiMDc2M2YwNjVkXkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BN2FjODdjZjctOWVjMC00NzcwLWIwNzEtOWUyZWE3YjQ5Yzc1XkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820