No Loss, No Gain (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

No Loss, No Gain (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

No Loss, No Gain is a movie from the year 2021 that had an intriguing run-time of 98 minutes. This thriller was captured in the United States and unraveled a narrative around modern-day Robin Hood. The plot was brought to life by actors like John Valley, Amanda Joy Erickson, and Kevin McCarthy. There’s a lot more to discover about this film and its interesting behind-the-scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

Filming for No Loss, No Gain took place in the heart of Texas, USA, specifically in two distinct spots: San Marcos and Austin. The movie was captured on reel during the early sessions of 2018 from January to February, immersing all involved into the very essence of the story being told.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
John Valley ?
Amanda Joy Erickson Allison Manford
Kevin McCarthy Frank Davidson
Nathan Ehrmann Collin Reed
Destiny Soria Maria Flores
Ru Benjamin Revolver Joel Flores
Alexandria Payne Megan Alexander
Tinus Seaux Aaron Duncan
Cynthia Fray Jane Prescott
Randall Oliver Willy Spitz
Benjamin N. Redic II Mr. Washington
Steve Brudniak John Daniels
Branden Chaisorn TJ Coworker
Tammy Chaney Mrs. Spitz
Bella Duble Park Extra
Canaan Duble Park Extra
Lillian Duble Park Extra
Sophia Fox Park Extra
David Graham Senator’s Bodyguard #2
Joseph Gumbert Park Extra
Erica Heidepriem Senator’s Daughter In Law
Ashlyn Rainn Holmes Park Extra
Ashley James Senator’s PA
Leslie Langee Senator Patty McHenry
Hailley Lauren TJ
Tallulah Pestorius Senator’s Granddaughter
Alisa Salikhov Park Extra
Elizabeth Trieu Anna
Chilimbwe Washington Senator’s Bodyguard #1


Trivia and Facts

-No Loss, No Gain, an intense thriller, was directed and written by Christian Rousseau.
-Talents like John Valley, Amanda Joy Erickson, and Kevin McCarthy were the main stars of the movie.
-The film features a number of other actors in its cast, such as Destiny Soria, Ru Benjamin Revolver, and Cinthia Fray.
-Jeffrey Brown, Gerald Dukes, and Keith Mullins served as the executive producers for the film.
-Apart from them, Christian Rousseau and Ashley Rousseau were also part of the producing team.
-The story revolves around a mysterious modern-day Robin Hood who gives the victims of a bank robbery a golden opportunity of a million dollars.
-The film’s runtime is approximately 98 minutes.
-The film got its release on July 5, 2021.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: San Marcos, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 29.8832749
    • Longitude: -97.9413941
    • Place ID: ChIJWUZBNCqnXIYRJzGOU2wzOi8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Marcos, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago