
Necromentia (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film ‘Necromentia’ is a horror movie released in the year 2009. It tells the story of four individuals life and perspectives through a tattooed Ouija Board. The movie features actors such as Layton Matthews, Chad Grimes, and Santiago Craig and is directed by Pearry Reginald Teo. This article explores the filming locations, dates, and some intriguing facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

Necromentia’ was filmed in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The exact filming dates are not specified, but the film came out in 2009, suggesting production occurred shortly beforehand.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Layton Matthews Morbius
Chad Grimes Travis
Santiago Craig Hagen
Zelieann Rivera Elizabeth
Cole Braxton Little Boy
Zach Cumer Thomas
Crow Garrett Connor
Nathan Ginn Mr. Skinny
Stephanie Joyce Red Room Woman
John Eslinger Smithson
Frederick Edwards Bar Guy
Terry Spector Bar Boyfriend
Judy Ben-Asher Bar Girlfriend
Mark Maltzer Lawyer
Taylor Newcomer Alley Girl
Sarah Finn Bar Patron
Mira Hull Bar Patron
Tyane Langford Bar Girl
Amber Nicolai Jamie
Tony Yeatropoulos Demon (voice)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film runs for 1 hour and 22 minutes
  • Pearry Reginald Teo directed the movie and was one of the writers along with Stephanie Joyce
  • Layton Matthews played the character Morbius. Chad Grimes portrayed Travis while Santiago Craig took on the role of Hagen
  • The movie explores the superstitious repercussions of tattooing a Ouija Board on your body
  • Additional titles for the movie include “The 13th Hour”, “Untitled Pearry Teo Project” in the USA, “SAWレイザー” in Japan, and “Nekromancia” in Hungary.
  • MV5BODQ1NzM4MTM2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzg1OTc0NQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Tucson, Arizona, USA
      • Latitude: 32.2539787
      • Longitude: -110.9741769
      • Place ID: ChIJK-0sC0Fl1oYRFccWTTgtw3M
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Tucson, AZ, USA
      • Timezone: America/Phoenix

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