Murder at 1600 (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Murder at 1600 (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Murder at 1600” is a movie from 1997 that revolves around a young woman’s murder in the White House. The main characters include detective Regis, played by Wesley Snipes, and agent Chance, played by Diane Lane. The article provides detailed information about the places where the movie was filmed, along with some interesting backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

“Murder at 1600” was filmed in multiple locations, including Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Washington, District of Columbia, United States. The White House, which plays a significant role in the film, is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington. Maitland Street in Toronto and Cinespace Film Studios in Kleinburg Ontario, Canada, are the notable places where the movie was shot. The production took place from August 5, 1996, to October 1, 1996.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Wesley Snipes Detective Regis
Diane Lane Nina Chance
Daniel Benzali Spikings
Dennis Miller Detective Stengel
Alan Alda Jordan
Ronny Cox President Jack Neil
Diane Baker Kitty Neil
Tate Donovan Kyle Neil
Harris Yulin General Clark Tully
Tom Wright Cooper
Nicholas Pryor Paul Moran
Charles Rocket Jeffrey
Nigel Bennett Burton Cash
Tamara Gorski Young Woman In Bar
Douglas O’Keeffe Assassin – John Kerry
Tony Nappo Luchessi
Mary Moore Carla Town
George R. Robertson Mack Falls
Ho Chow Tepper
James Millington Lt. Marty Dill
John Bourgeois Captain Farr
Peter James Haworth Treasury Guard
David Gardner Speaker Of The House
Cliff McMullen Sniper – Carl
Keith Williams Lawyer Randy Queeg
Grace Armas Screaming Cleaning Woman
David Fraser Brack Electronics
George Sperdakos Reporter – Last Press
Sandra Caldwell Mrs. Wallace
Frank Moore Captain Ford Gibbs
Richard Blackburn Coroner Jimmy Foley
James Gallanders Law Student
Victor Ertmanis Cop Bartender
Richard Fitzpatrick Law Professor
Michael Ricupero Landlord
Chris Gillett V.P. Gordon Dylan
J. Craig Sandy F.B.I. Agent #1
Robert Bidaman V.P. Aide
Carol Anderson Capt. Farr’s Asst.
Christopher Kennedy Techy
Jackie Bensen TV Reporter #2
Maureen Bunyan TV Reporter #3
Kathryn Klvana TV Reporter #4
Dan Duran CNN Reporter #1
Sheldon Turcott CNN Newscaster #1
Sandi Stahlbrand CNN Reporter #2
Tom Urich CNN News Anchor
Tino Monte Local Newscaster
Raven Dauda Waitress
Michael Dyson Treasury Drone
Aron Tager Treasury Guard #2
Lewis Grenville Network Reporter #3
Junior Williams Medic
Howard Hoover Suit #1
Bryan Renfro Suit #2
Markus Parilo Suit #3
Len Wagner Suit #5
Peter Ellery Suit #6
Ray Paisley Suit #7
Brian King Suit #8
Donald Jones Reporter C
Marco Bianco Secret Service
Matt Birman Secret Service
Eric Bryson Secret Service
Walter Masko Secret Service
Branko Racki Secret Service
Michael G. Brown Secret Service (uncredited)
Lee Eskey Shouter (uncredited)
Babs Hopkinson Cocktail Waitress (uncredited)
Steve Lucescu CIA Hitman #1 (uncredited)
Chris Northup The Heckler (uncredited)
Aj Stoan Driver / Bodyguard (uncredited)
Ryan Weichel Parking Valet (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was mainly shot in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, despite being set in Washington D.C., USA.
  • The movie depicts a homicide investigation within the White House, which is a unique plot concept.
  • The movie features Wesley Snipes as detective Regis and Diane Lane as agent Chance. Other notable cast members include Daniel Benzali, Dennis Miller, and Alan Alda.
  • The film was directed by Dwight H. Little and written by Wayne Beach and David Hodgin.
  • The movie’s duration is 1 hour and 47 minutes.
  • It belongs to the genres of Action and Crime.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.653226
    • Longitude: -79.3831843
    • Place ID: ChIJpTvG15DL1IkRd8S0KlBVNTI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Toronto, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: White House – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
    • Latitude: 38.8976763
    • Longitude: -77.0365298
    • Place ID: ChIJ37HL3ry3t4kRv3YLbdhpWXE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: 36-42 Maitland Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.66461049999999
    • Longitude: -79.38214529999999
    • Place ID: Ei80MiBNYWl0bGFuZCBTdCAjMzYsIFRvcm9udG8sIE9OIE00WSAxQzUsIENhbmFkYSIeGhwKFgoUChIJyTxQE7M0K4gRT_gfKtTO4-8SAjM2
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 42 Maitland St #36, Toronto, ON M4Y 1C5, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Cinespace Film Studios – 11030 Highway 27, Kleinburg, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.8524403
    • Longitude: -79.6481323
    • Place ID: ChIJwefTRwAkK4gRbFc4sIi-LKI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 11030 ON-27, Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto

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