Mr. Turner

Mr. Turner (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Mr. Turner” (2014) is a dramatic biography that takes us through the life of unconventional British artist J.M.W. Turner and his romantic relationship with a seaside landlady. The film showcases Turner’s artistic journey and the recognition he received for his unique art. This article will delve into where this movie was filmed, who portrayed the characters, and interesting trivia and behind-the-scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

“Mr. Turner” was filmed in various picturesque locations across England. The movie locations include Kingsand in Cornwall, Wentworth Woodhouse in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the Luton Hoo Estate in Bedfordshire, Watford in Hertfordshire and Petworth House and Park in West Sussex. Precise filming dates are not available for this film.MV5BMTc5ODkwMjk2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDE4NzM1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Timothy Spall JMW Turner
Paul Jesson William Turner Snr
Dorothy Atkinson Hannah Danby
Marion Bailey Sophia Booth
Karl Johnson Mr Booth
Ruth Sheen Sarah Danby
Sandy Foster Evelina
Amy Dawson Georgiana
Lesley Manville Mary Somerville
Martin Savage Benjamin Robert Haydon
Richard Bremmer George Jones
Niall Buggy John Carew
Fred Pearson Sir William Beechey
Tom Edden CR Leslie
Jamie Thomas King David Roberts
Mark Stanley Clarkson Stanfield
Nicholas Jones Sir John Soane
Clive Francis Sir Martin Archer Shee
Robert Portal Sir Charles Eastlake
Simon Chandler Sir Augustus Wall Callcott
Edward de Souza Thomas Stothard
Roger Ashton-Griffiths Henry William Pickersgill
James Fleet John Constable
Patrick Godfrey Lord Egremont
Karina Fernandez Miss Coggins
Alice Bailey Johnson Young Lady Singer
Alice Orr-Ewing Second Young Lady
Veronica Roberts Lady Stuckley
Richard Dixon Mr Manners
Michael Keane Clergyman
James Norton Clarinettist
David Ryall Footman
Nicola Sloane Brothel Keeper
Kate O’Flynn Prostitute
Joshua McGuire John Ruskin
Stuart McQuarrie Ruskin’s Father
Sylvestra Le Touzel Ruskin’s Mother
Eleanor Yates Ruskin’s Wife
Fenella Woolgar Lady Eastlake
Richard Cordery Dinner Guest
David Horovitch Dr Price
Leo Bill JE Mayall
James Dryden Cornelius
Tom Wlaschiha Prince Albert
Peter Wight Joseph Gillott
Marcello Magni Colourman
Mark Wingett Mariner
Ruby Bentall Unhappy Couple
Lee Ingleby Unhappy Couple
Sam Kelly Theatre Actors
Oliver Maltman Theatre Actors
Pearl Chanda Theatre Actors
Ned Derrington Theatre Actors
Phil Elstob Theatre Actors
Peter Hannah Theatre Actors
Francesca Zoutewelle Theatre Actors
Billy Holland Boy Actor
Michael Culkin Gentleman Critics
Vincent Franklin Gentleman Critics
Nicholas Woodeson Gentleman Critics
Elizabeth Berrington Lady Critics
Eileen Davies Lady Critics
Bob Goody Gallery Visitors
Terrence Hardiman Gallery Visitors
Theresa Watson Gallery Visitors
Angela Curran Neighbours
Amanda Lawrence Hannah’s Friend
Judith Amsenga Dutch Ladies
Helen Cooper Dutch Ladies
Oliver Andrews-Waller Child (uncredited)
Lasco Atkins Market Customer (uncredited)
Felipe Ayres Courtier (uncredited)
Francesca Bennett Village Woman (uncredited)
John Duggan Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Joyia Fitch Dead Girl (uncredited)
Robert J. Fraser Art Student (uncredited)
Raymond Glen Steamship Passenger (uncredited)
Janet Henfrey Janet (uncredited)
Emily Keston Courtier (uncredited)
Stuart Matthews Market Trader (uncredited)
Andrew Paxton-Gray Middle Class Gentleman (uncredited)
Janette Sharpe Market Trader (uncredited)
Tamara Sharpe Granddaughter / Market Trader (uncredited)
Paul Simmons London Bobby (uncredited)
Paul Stockman Juror (uncredited)
TyLean Tuijl Steamship Passenger (uncredited)
Angie Wallis Mrs Beaumont (uncredited)
John Warman Eastlake Servant (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

Timothy Spall delivered an impressive performance as JMW Turner, while other characters like William Turner Snr, Hannah Danby, Sophia Booth, Mr Booth, Sarah Danby, Evelina, Georgiana, Mary Somerville, Benjamin Robert Haydon, George Jones, John Carew, and Sir William Beechey were portrayed by Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson, Marion Bailey, Karl Johnson, Ruth Sheen, Sandy Foster, Amy Dawson, Lesley Manville, Martin Savage, Richard Bremmer, Niall Buggy, and Fred Pearson respectively. The film was successfully directed and written by Mike Leigh. This noteworthy film was nominated for four Oscars and received another 20 wins and 67 nominations.MV5BMTg4NTgyMzI3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjE4NzM1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Wentworth Woodhouse, Wentworth, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, UK
    • Latitude: 53.47427589999999
    • Longitude: -1.4046514
    • Place ID: ChIJw3BDeLBweUgRRB1tILrjn5I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Wentworth Woodhouse, Wentworth, Rotherham S62 7TQ, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Luton Hoo Estate, Luton, Bedfordshire, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.8451678
    • Longitude: -0.3996014000000001
    • Place ID: ChIJoQgm4uBHdkgR0YwJiAcqdvo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Luton Hoo Estate, Farm Rd, Luton LU1 3TQ, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Watford, Hertfordshire, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.66112829999999
    • Longitude: -0.3970199
    • Place ID: ChIJW8P8CMkUdkgR8TSX67MbUl0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Watford, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Petworth House and Park, West Sussex, England, UK
    • Latitude: 50.988319
    • Longitude: -0.6107195
    • Place ID: ChIJjW9opUm2dUgRochdk41aeys
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: National Trust – Petworth House and Park, Petworth GU28 9LR, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London

MV5BMTg5NDM3OTI1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDA4NzM1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMTQ5NzYzODA5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA4NzM1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMjA4NTI5Mzc3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzA4NzM1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820