Mommy’s Box (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mommy’s Box (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Mommy’s Box” was released in 2016. It revolves around a 30-year-old man who, after his mother’s death, is forced to confront his concealed past. With Johnny Greenlaw being the director and a lead actor, other notable actors include Bill Sorvino, Carly Brooke, amongst a large cast; this movie earned five awards and one nomination.

Where it Filmed?

“Mommy’s Box” was primarily shot at two locations in the United States. These locations include New York City and Long Island, both situated in New York State. However, specific filming dates are not provided.MV5BMTU5ODUyMjYwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTg0NTQyMDI@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Johnny Greenlaw Nick
Bill Sorvino Joey
Joseph D’Onofrio Brett
David Harris C.C. ‘Pop’ Nevins
Gina Scarda Mommy
Jennifer Dorcic Hayes
Kelly Karavites Stavros Papadopoulos
Kade Wise Kip Karazma
Sid O’Connell Big Tony
Christine Copley Karen
Tom Rizzuto Krishna
Dennis Neary Monk
John Dorcic Cole
Sarah Bernero Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Georgia Berny Funeral Home Attendee
Brandi Bravo Susie
John Calvanico Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Steven D. Clark Gym Member
Nancy Cullen Rock Club Attendee
Andre De Leon Clarence
Sandra Fernandez Funeral Home Attendee
Sonja Fiala Vicky
Andy Gerardi Funeral Home Attendee
Adam Ghassouine Rock Club Attendee
Kyle Grant Dealership Customer
Garlan Green Father
Dylan Gutheil Young Nick
Olivia Gutheil Olivia
Christopher Hackert Hank
Eveland Hanna Funeral Home Attendee
Paul Christian Harrison Gym Member
James Heaphy Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Robert Hellmers Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Alida Lang Funeral Home Attendee
Paul Mauriello Singing Bar Patron
Judy McCormick Aunt Fran
Tommy McInnis Rock Club Attendee
William Mercado Sergio
John Merolla Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Rj Meyer Randy Vosbury
Nancy Munro Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Danielle Nicolette Najarian Funeral Home Attendee
Robert Negron Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Jimmy Nicholas Gym Member
Richie Noodles Rock Club Attendee
Mike Ogle Session Guitarist
Nico Paladino Young Joey
George Papadimatos Spyro
Alfonso Rojas Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Luis Ruiz Frank
Pete Sell Garth
Mike Struck Stan
Alberto Suarez Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Christy Veronica Rock Club Attendee
Chris Victor Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Cielo Villa Santa Bar Crawl Patron
Peter Williams Coughing Man


Trivia and Facts

Johnny Greenlaw, besides being the lead actor, was also one of the writers and the director of the film. Caitlin Scherer collaborated with him in writing this movie. It was a comedy-drama and lasted for about 1 hour 30 minutes. The film also had received eight critic reviews and five user reviews. “Mommy’s Box” was produced by an extensive team, including Aimee Berlin as an associate producer and Richard D’Angelo as an executive producer. Paulo Coelho composed the music, while John Rosario handled cinematography duties. An interesting fact about the film was that it was renamed as “Mommy’s Will” in another version.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Long Island, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.789142
    • Longitude: -73.13496099999999
    • Place ID: ChIJy6Xu4VRE6IkRGA2UhmH59x0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Long Island, New York, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York