Mister Cory (1957) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mister Cory (1957) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film, Mister Cory, produced in 1957, tells the story of a smart young man from the slums of Chicago who dreams to mingle with the rich. The narrative reveals where the movie was filmed, who the actors are, and other exciting insights about the film creation process.

Where it Filmed?

Mister Cory was filmed in three primary locations in California, USA. Universal Studios, located at 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, was one of those. The other two was Lake Arrowhead, captured in the San Bernardino National Forest, and Lake Tahoe. The film started production on May 21, 1956.MV5BMjEzOTEzNDE5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjY5NzY4. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tony Curtis Cory
Martha Hyer Abby Vollard
Charles Bickford Jeremiah Des Plains ‘Biloxi’ Caldwell
Kathryn Grant Jen Vollard
William Reynolds Alex Wyncott
Henry Daniell Mr. Earnshaw
Russ Morgan Ruby Matrobe
Willis Bouchey Mr. Vollard
Louise Lorimer Mrs. Vollard
Joan Banks Lily
Harry Landers Andy
Glen Kramer Ronnie Chambers
Dick Crockett The cook
Leon Alton Bit Role (uncredited)
Margaret Bert Nanna (uncredited)
Eumenio Blanco Vendor (uncredited)
Nesdon Booth Fat Man (uncredited)
Robert Brubaker Card Player (uncredited)
Paul Bryar Charlie – Dealer (uncredited)
Tom Coleman Waiter (uncredited)
Sayre Dearing Roulette Dealer (uncredited)
Jack Del Rio Bit Role (uncredited)
George Eldredge Mr. Davis – Card Player (uncredited)
Billy Engle Vendor (uncredited)
Joseph Forte William – Vollard’s Butler (uncredited)
Jack Gargan Golfer / Bettor (uncredited)
Albert Godderis Vendor (uncredited)
Dick Gordon Houseman (uncredited)
Jimmy Gray Card Player (uncredited)
Billy Griffith Pool Shark (uncredited)
Robert Haines Golfer (uncredited)
Ed Haskett Bit Role (uncredited)
George Hickman Waiter (uncredited)
Harlan Hoagland Bit Role (uncredited)
Charles Horvath Truck Driver (uncredited)
Clark Howat Card Player (uncredited)
Bobby Johnson Porter at Airport (uncredited)
Chester Jones Bit Role (uncredited)
Jimmy Karath Boy (uncredited)
Mike Lally Gambling House Attendant (uncredited)
Perk Lazelle Golfer (uncredited)
Mickey Little Boy (uncredited)
George Lynn Headwaiter (uncredited)
Thomas Martin Bartender (uncredited)
George E. Mather Clerk in Flower Shop (uncredited)
Jack Mather Card Player (uncredited)
Rex May Attendant (uncredited)
Larry McGrath Vendor (uncredited)
Tyler McVey Card Player (uncredited)
William Meader Waiter (uncredited)
Ernesto Molinari Vendor (uncredited)
Richard Monda Boy (uncredited)
Ralph Neff Matrobe Associate (uncredited)
William Newell Ned – Owner (uncredited)
Barry Norton Club Patron (uncredited)
Paul Palmer Bit Role (uncredited)
Harry Raven Vendor (uncredited)
Joey Ray Matrobe Associate (uncredited)
Edwin Rochelle Vendor (uncredited)
Carl Sklover Vendor (uncredited)
Billy Snyder Card Player (uncredited)
Hylton Socher Bellboy (uncredited)
Anna Stein Anna – Vollard’s Maid (uncredited)
John Truax Card Player (uncredited)
Bob Wehling Card Player (uncredited)
Bud Widom Waiter (uncredited)
Chalky Williams Bit Role (uncredited)
Mack Williams Card Player (uncredited)
Bud Winters Minor Role (uncredited)
Allen Wood Dishwasher (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

The movie has a runtime of 92 minutes and is categorized under the crime and drama genres. The director of the movie is Blake Edwards, and the main actors include Tony Curtis, Martha Hyer, and Charles Bickford. In addition, Mister Cory was referenced in the 1969 film ‘Guest Starring Tony Curtis.MV5BZTM3YzNhMmUtMDgzOS00OTFiLTk5MjgtY2ZkM2ViNjZhMDYzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTk5NzQ5Ng@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Universal Studios – 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.1370713
    • Longitude: -118.3533061
    • Place ID: ChIJzzgyJU–woARcZqceSdQ3dM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Lake Tahoe, California, USA
    • Latitude: 39.0968493
    • Longitude: -120.0323507
    • Place ID: ChIJUREfuaF4mYARILWv7q8fP4w
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Lake Tahoe, United States
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles