Missing Link (1988) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Missing Link (1988) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Missing Link” is a 1988 adventure movie that runs for an hour and 31 minutes. It recounts the journey of the last Australopithecine who is seeking others of his kind while on the run from humans. The film, directed by Carol Hughes and David Hughes, includes performances from Peter Elliott, Michael Gambon, and Brian Abrahams.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of this movie took place in the country known as Namibia. The film was shot in February of 1988, showcasing some of the amazing landscapes the country has to offer.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Peter Elliott Man-ape
Michael Gambon Narrator (voice)
Brian Abrahams
Clive Ashley
Fred T. Baker
Adrian Brett
David Daley
Jim Dvorak
Dave Holland
Gary Kettel
Mike Kidson
Will Menter
Chris Redsell
Colin Thompson
Andy Warrington
David Damaseb Man
Johannes Bees Man
Aloysius Nariep Man
Hilary Ashe-Roy

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was directed by the Hughes duo, Carol Hughes and David Hughes.
  • This movie features Peter Elliott in the role of “Man-ape” and Michael Gambon providing the voice of the Narrator.
  • The movie is also known by different names in various countries, such as “Le défi de la vie” in France and “El eslabón perdido” in Spain.
  • “Missing Link” references another movie, “Quest for Fire,” released in 1981.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Namibia
    • Latitude: -22.95764
    • Longitude: 18.49041
    • Place ID: ChIJIXXTbn489RsRYbLsqKXludM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Namibia
    • Timezone: Africa/Windhoek