Midnight Chronicles (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Midnight Chronicles (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Midnight Chronicles is a film from 2009, directed by Christian T. Petersen and featuring actors like Charles Hubbell, Matt Amendt, and Steve Sweere. In this piece, the film’s shooting locations and timeline, as well as some entertaining backstage details, will be shared.

Where it Filmed?

The making of Midnight Chronicles took place in different geographic locations within the United States.These include Minneapolis and Roseville, both in Minnesota, and Pepin, Wisconsin. This filming was carried out over a period of few months, specifically from April 15, 2006, to September 1, 2006.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Charles Hubbell Mag Kiln
Matt Amendt Gaelen
Steve Sweere Morrec
Dawn Brodey Chuzara
Sam L. Landman Kruce
Melissa Anne Murphy Iana
Joseph Papke Deleth
Richard Ooms Geddon & Grimnor
Claudia Wilkens Mayor Lesher
Pat Hammond Dolan
Karen Wiese-Thompson The Magistrate
Emily Fradenburgh Crawlis
Bonni Allen Shai
Mike Ascher Hero
Chars Bonin Rebel Leader
Shá Cage Alayne
Ben Coler Rebel Axman
Stephen D’Ambrose Raynn
Matt Franta Tavern Patron
Jesse Griffith Peasant
Josh Jabas Haarn
Scott Jorgenson Erlon
Michael Lee Harwen
Heather Meyer Villager
Stuart G Murphy The Thief
Carolyn Pool Meriam
Matthew Sciple The Furtive Man
Alan Struthers Loren Landring
Joel Thingvall Sarun
Jeffrey Roy Willis Doucan
Andrea Wollenberg Aradil

Trivia and Facts

  • This movie presents a world in darkness ruled by the dark god Izrador after defeating the free races’ heroes and armies.
  • It tells the tale of two legendary characters for the cause of good and evil. They struggle, rise, and meet their fate as their destinies get interlinked with that of the world and the dark god.
  • This is a live-action TV pilot based on the popular role-playing game from Fantasy Flight Games.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
    • Latitude: 44.977753
    • Longitude: -93.2650108
    • Place ID: ChIJvbt3k5Azs1IRB-56L4TJn5M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Minneapolis, MN, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Pepin, Wisconsin, USA
    • Latitude: 44.4410785
    • Longitude: -92.14795
    • Place ID: ChIJ0SyFWvE1-IcR53pSGtOSR2s
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pepin, WI 54759, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Roseville, Minnesota, USA
    • Latitude: 45.0060767
    • Longitude: -93.15661070000002
    • Place ID: ChIJ1_-7rbkrs1IRLzKVMYFsANM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Roseville, MN 55113, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago