Mexican Sunrise (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mexican Sunrise (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Mexican Sunrise” is a 2007 action drama film centered around the thrilling events of a bachelor party turned disastrously wrong. The story is set on the US-Mexican border and directed by Rowdy Stovall. Key characters include Ryan, played by Jordan Belfi, and Salvidar, portrayed by Armand Assante. This article gives you a further peek into the locations where the movie was filmed, along with some interesting, lesser-known facts about it.

Where it Filmed?

“Mexican Sunrise” was filmed in the state of Texas in the United States. The specific cities where filming took place are Austin and Del Rio. The shooting commenced on May 16, 2005. There is no additional detail about the duration of the shoot.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Armand Assante Salvidar
Jordan Belfi Ryan
William Gregory Lee Wil
Reed Frerichs Derek
Tom Tartamella Shane
Drew Powell Tindol
Erinn Allison Waitress #1
Michelle Brew Wedding Attendee
Corey Daigle Wedding Attendee
Jacqueline Effenson Bridesmaid
Dan Eggleston Wedding attendee
Yesenia Garcia Waitress #3
Rosaruby Glaberman Dancer #2
Nicole Graf Allison
Julio Leal Edwin
Mike Maldonado Old Mexican Man
Kay Nichols Ryan’s mother
Pete O. Partida Chulo
Marisa Quintanilla Tequila Girl
Beatriz Renteria Hotel Employee
Wesley Seguin Ernesto
Everett Sifuentes Battery Man
Lazaro Solares Charo
Jeffrey Travis Minister
Leticia Trejo Rosa
Santiago Villalobos Lalo
Lindsey Walls Waitress #2
Ricky Wayne Priest (scenesDeleted)
Patricia Miller Mexican Bar Dancer (uncredited)
Gary Teague Wedding Attendee (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie encompasses various genres like action, drama, and thriller.
  • Aside from the main characters, the movie features a broad cast playing a diverse set of roles, from wedding attendees to restaurant waitresses.
  • Rowdy Stovall not only directed the film but also wrote the gripping story.
  • Despite being a fairly low-budget movie, “Mexican Sunrise” managed to clinch 4 awards.
  • Several companies were involved in the production and distribution of the film, including Red J Films and Cinepro Pictures International.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Austin, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 30.267153
    • Longitude: -97.7430608
    • Place ID: ChIJLwPMoJm1RIYRetVp1EtGm10
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Austin, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Del Rio, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 29.3708857
    • Longitude: -100.8958674
    • Place ID: ChIJe0ZxkDnp9YYRDE56M_R5Acs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Del Rio, TX 78840, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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