Medal of Victory (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Medal of Victory (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Medal of Victory” is an action-adventure film released in 2016. The story revolves around two soldiers who are mistaken for war heroes, leading them into a town’s corrupt politics. This exciting film features captivating performances from Richard Riehle, Cliff Chamberlain, and Gary Houston.

Where it Filmed?

The filming for Medal of Victory took place in three locations in the United States. The majority of the scenes were shot in Wisconsin, USA. Some portions were also filmed in the cities of Sun Prairie and Baraboo, both located within the state of Wisconsin. The specific dates of filming have not been disclosed.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Richard Riehle Ted Crump
Cliff Chamberlain Drake McMasters
Gary Houston Judge Parr
Jack O’Connell Harry Maddox
Audrey Francis Wendi Mann
Rich Komenich Captain Starke
Howie Johnson Captain Drzenskii
Frank Simms Crump Ad Narrator
Bryan Kelly Henchman
Will Blomker Floyd McMasters
Andy Cameron Sam
David Ryan Smith Jonathan Blaine
Sadie Rogers Cherise
Mason Hill Stu Cutshaw
Elise Mayfield Susan
Russ Williamson Andy
Seth Lind Clyde
Nolen Meland Young Floyd McMasters
Jason Schumacher Sheriff Rick Ford
Kelli Porterfield Beth
J. Peter Shaw Wallace
Sarah Whelan Mistress
Jesse Graham Jean
Silas Bauer Jake
Leigh Mills News Anchor
John Bohlken Chad Parr
Jim Rooney Gus
Margaret Kustermann Neighbor Lady
Justin Schober Office Worker at Desk
Michel Weston Ann Marie
Steve Evans Skip
Worthley Burbank Old Man
Pat McFadden Police Clerk
Seamus Dooley Unitas
Pablo Jesus Lira Paul Gerard
Josiah Correll Cop
Ryan Fielding Thug
Kimi Lundy Makeout Girl
Bill Hagen Reginald
Louis Sather Townville Executive (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The story illustrates a hilarious and chaotic sequence of events where the two characters, Floyd and Stu, accidentally ship a crate of nuclear fusion triggers to Malawi and go AWOL.
  • In their hometown, Floyd is mistaken for a war hero and gets involved in the local mayoral election, triggering a comedically absurd string of events.
  • The film has a duration of 89 minutes and is certified TV-MA in the United States.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Wisconsin, USA
    • Latitude: 43.7844397
    • Longitude: -88.7878678
    • Place ID: ChIJr-OEkw_0qFIR1kmG-LjV1fI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Wisconsin, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, USA
    • Latitude: 43.1836046
    • Longitude: -89.2137254
    • Place ID: ChIJpzgI-9_3BogRn0C351x2lsk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA
    • Latitude: 43.4710944
    • Longitude: -89.74429060000001
    • Place ID: ChIJ6Tw6JmZqB4gRb5Qh3oN9Er0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Baraboo, WI 53913, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago