Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mechanic: Resurrection is a 2016 action-adventure movie. It tells the story of Arthur Bishop, portrayed by Jason Statham, whose enemy kidnaps his beloved to force him to commit three seemingly accidental assassinations. The film was directed by Dennis Gansel and also stars Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones, and others. Interesting details about the movie’s filming locations, dates, and some fun facts are further discussed in this article.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Mechanic: Resurrection” took place in diverse and exotic locations across the globe. The exact filming dates are unavailable. The notable shooting spots include Phuket, Bangkok in Thailand, Sofia, Varna in Bulgaria, and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Each location brought its own unique ambience to the scenes.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jason Statham Arthur Bishop
Jessica Alba Gina
Tommy Lee Jones Max Adams
Michelle Yeoh Mei
Sam Hazeldine Crain
John Cenatiempo Jeremy
Toby Eddington Adrian Cook
Femi Elufowoju Jr. Krill
Anteo Quintavalle Frank
Bonnie Zellerbach Headmistress
Stuart Thorp Rio Thug #1
Alex Kuzelicki Rio Thug #2
Thomas Kiwi Rio Thug #4
Andrew Stehlin Rio Thug #5
Francis Tonkala Tamouya Slender Psycho (Nuujib)
Tais Rodrigues Dias Hang Glider
Lynette Emond Sexy Thai Assistant
Allan Poppleton Dice Prisoner
Soji Ikai Skinny Prisoner
Vithaya Pansringarm Prison Warden
Chatchawan Kamonsakpitak Prison Guard
Atanas Srebrev Trawler Captain
Yothin Udomsanti Deckhand
Rachel O’Meara Leasing Agent
Aaron Brumfield Adam’s Head of Security
Damian Mavis Adam’s Guard
Tony Arunah Abbey Cook’s Interview Reporter
Amir Zargham Pier Worker
Peter Rnic Pilot
Eoin O’Brien Merc #1
Alexander Winters Merc #2
Yuri Chuchenko Varna Cop
Natalie Burn BBC Reporter
Martin Bravo Santiago Prisioner
Hare Das Ahatefu Krill’s Guard (uncredited)
Dylan Farrell Young Bisop (uncredited)
Greg Matt Garcia Customer at Rio de Janeiro restaurant (uncredited)
Bobby Gerrits Adam’s guard (uncredited)
Geoffrey Giuliano The Man (uncredited)
Ann Krav Cafe Customer (uncredited)
Viktor Krav Cafe Customer (uncredited)
Tomer Oz Adam’s Guard (uncredited)
Suman C. Tharan Prison Guard (uncredited)
Raicho Vasilev Crain’s Guard 1 (uncredited)
Markus Waldow Hotel Concierge (uncredited)
Ron Weaver Krill’s Guard (uncredited)
Willy Zogo Krill’s Guard (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • In the movie, Arthur Bishop, played by Jason Statham, is a skilled mechanic specialized in assassinations.
  • Jessica Alba acted as Gina, Arthur’s love interest who gets kidnapped to make him execute impossible murders.
  • Tommy Lee Jones took on the role of Max Adams in the film.
  • The director of the film, Dennis Gansel, directed an action-packed story, written by Lewis John Carlino and Philip Shelby.
  • The film received one nomination for an award.
  • The movie has attracted a lot of reviews – 271 from users and 150 from critics.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Phuket, Thailand
    • Latitude: 7.9843109
    • Longitude: 98.3307468
    • Place ID: ChIJT1JixOIxUDARIbo9BoWayuk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Phuket, Thailand
    • Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
  • Location Name: Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Latitude: 42.6977082
    • Longitude: 23.3218675
    • Place ID: ChIJ9Xsxy4KGqkARYF6_aRKgAAQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Timezone: Europe/Sofia
  • Location Name: Varna, Bulgaria
    • Latitude: 43.2140504
    • Longitude: 27.9147333
    • Place ID: ChIJodfzqotTpEARfIulcRyUJ1c
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Varna, Bulgaria
    • Timezone: Europe/Sofia
  • Location Name: Bangkok, Thailand
    • Latitude: 13.7563309
    • Longitude: 100.5017651
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Bangkok, Thailand
    • Timezone: Asia/Bangkok

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