Mary Marie (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mary Marie (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mary Marie is a 2011 film, a drama-romance showcasing the intense bond between two sisters. It’s a movie largely set in Harrisburg and Beavertown, Pennsylvania, USA, directed by Alexandra Roxo. This story provides insights not just into the film itself, but also about the places it was filmed, the characters, and some interesting facts surrounding the production.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting for Mary Marie took place at two locations in the USA. Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania, was one of them. The second location was Beavertown, a small town also situated in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, the specific dates of the filming are not mentioned.MV5BMTU1MjI0NjU4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTMzOTM3OA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Alana Kearns-Green Mary
Alexandra Roxo Marie
Richard Kearns Pops
Daniel Munro Billy
Sara Matthews Sally
Andrew R. Matthews Adam
Lucas R. Matthews Baby
Tim Linden Peter
Michele Earnest Nurse
Margarita M. Kearns Amah
Carlos Kearns Uncle Chas
Jon Boal Man
Randolph Scott Bar Singer
Cynthia Kirk Bartender
Bryce Feeser Bar Guy #1
Antonio Moncada Bar Guy #2
Mike Carrera Extra (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The film showcases considerable talent in its cast and crew. For instance, Alexandra Roxo not only directed the film, but also played a character called Marie in it.
  • Alana Kearns-Green is another multi-talented contributor who co-wrote the film, produced it, and also appeared in it as Mary.
  • In terms of awards and nominations, Mary Marie has notched up 1 win & received 1 nomination.
  • The runtime of the movie is 80 min and it was officially released on 04 Jun 2011 in the USA.
  • An interesting trivia point is that Davy Jones from the band The Monkees provided a set house and housing for the crew on Mary Marie. He was originally slated to be the guest singer in the bar scene, but chose to give someone else the chance to shine in the spotlight.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 40.2731911
    • Longitude: -76.8867008
    • Place ID: ChIJl54HuBbByIkR1UaNEshCbrs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Harrisburg, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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