M.I.A. A Greater Evil (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

M.I.A. A Greater Evil (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Our topic of interest is the 2018 movie titled “M.I.A. A Greater Evil”, a drama and horror flick that took the screens on May 8th in the USA. The film, directed by Abishek J. Bajaj and written by Peter Alan Lloyd, introduces us to a group of American college students who face uncanny experiences in Vietnam. Notable stars include Valerie Bentson, Lâm Vissay, and Sarah Ball. Let’s delve in to find out where it was filmed, actors’ roles, and backstage information that may pique your interest.

Where it Filmed?

The beautiful and exotic landscapes you see in “M.I.A. A Greater Evil” were filmed in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Unfortunately, specific dates regarding the filming period are yet to be disclosed.MV5BYjVjZDI1MjktN2UzNy00NmE0LTliODMtM2IyODg3ZDI2YTJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjk3NDA1NTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Valerie Bentson Anita
Sarah Ball Rachel
Mark Matula Jez
Sahajak Boonthanakit The Guide
Dan Renalds Kenneth Bosco
Eoin O’Brien Brandon
Byron Bishop Japanese Soldier
Lee Mason Private Lidster
Peter Alan Lloyd Missing Pilot


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie won 2 awards.
  • The film brings us intriguing characters such as Anita played by Valerie Bentson, Steve (known as Lamou Vissay) by Lâm Vissay, and Rachel interpreted by Sarah Ball.
  • Other important roles include Jez (Mark Matula), The Guide (Sahajak Boonthanakit), Kenneth Bosco (Dan Renalds), Brandon (Eoin O’Brien), a Japanese Soldier (Byron Bishop), and Private Lidster (Lee Mason).
  • The movie adds a special eerie sentiment by exploring Vietnam, whereby many have mysteriously disappeared, Cracking the hard shell of war, tensions, and unexpected turn of events, the movie rekindles unanswered concerns regarding one of the most disputed wars of the 20th century.
  • Furthermore, the production was managed by three distinctly different countries – United States, United Kingdom, and Thailand.
  • The movie, characterized as Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller, and War genre, had 89 Dreams as its Production Company and was distributed by Multicom Entertainment Group.