Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen (1998) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen (1998) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen” is a 1998 movie showcasing a journey filled with fantasy and drama. The film revolves around a young modern man transported to 17th-century England via virtual reality, highlighting interactions with the characters he meets. The main characters are Thomas Dunsmore, Lady Dorset, and Amy/Maggie Dorset, played by Shannon Dow Smith, Kim Sill, and Christi Harris, respectively.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was primarily filmed in Bucharest, a city in Romania, and the larger areas of Romania. The filming process spanned between the years 1994 and 1995.MV5BOGM0MmYzYjgtZDhjMy00YTQ0LWI3NTQtOTg1YWI3NzAzYWZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Shannon Dow Smith Thomas Dunsmore
Betsy Lynn George Miranda Dorset
Mihaela Mihut Thyrene
Crenguta Hariton Patsy
Andreea Macelaru Fran
Maria Zamfirescu Concubine
Cristina Stoica Concubine
Flenkes Rodica Concubine
Oxana Moravec Concubine
Constantin Barbulescu George the Highwayman (uncredited)
Cristian Motiu Lord Dorset (uncredited)
Mihai Niculescu Magistrate (uncredited)
Claudiu Trandafir Constable (uncredited)
Stefan Velniciuc Lord Oliver Cromwell (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film, Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen, released in 1998, is a blend of drama and fantasy.
  • Directed by David DeCoteau, it has a running time of approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • The production design was handled by Stefan Antonescu, whereas the hardworking makeup department was led by key makeup artist Daniela Busoiu.
  • The film was shot back-to-back with Petticoat Planet, according to movie trivia.
  • The film is also known by different titles in different countries such as Schloß der Leidenschaft in Germany, Historias prohibidas: la reina del castillo in Mexico, and A Rainha do Castelo in Brazil.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Romania
    • Latitude: 45.943161
    • Longitude: 24.96676
    • Place ID: ChIJw3aJlSb_sUARlLEEqJJP74Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Romania
    • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest