Lorna Doone (1951) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lorna Doone (1951) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Lorna Doone” is a drama-adventure film from 1951, set in 17th-century England. The movie revolves around a young woman named Lorna who falls for a humble villager despite the resistance from her ruthless family. Filming locations, the actors involved, and further intriguing details about the movie and its behind-the-scenes happenings will be discussed here.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of “Lorna Doone” was primarily set in the United States. It took place at Iverson Ranch located at 1 Iverson Lane, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California. Although the actual filming dates are unknown, it’s noted that the movie premiered in the USA on May 31, 1951.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Barbara Hale Lorna Doone
Richard Greene John Ridd
Carl Benton Reid Sir Ensor Doone
William Bishop Carver Doone
Ron Randell Tom Faggus
Sean McClory Charleworth Doone
Onslow Stevens Counsellor Doone
Lester Matthews King Charles II
John Dehner Baron de Wichehalse
Gloria Petroff Lorna Doone as a Child
Patrick Aherne Judge Jeffries (uncredited)
Trevor Bardette Jan Fry (uncredited)
Wheaton Chambers Priest (uncredited)
Paul Collins Charleworth as a Child (uncredited)
Dick Curtis Garth (uncredited)
Betty Fairfax Mrs. Lacy (uncredited)
Fred Graham Outrider (uncredited)
Bill Hale Patrol Leaders (uncredited)
Gerald Hamer Doctor (uncredited)
Myron Healey Todd Darcy (uncredited)
Anne Howard Annie Ridd (uncredited)
Sherry Jackson Annie Ridd as a Child (uncredited)
Ted Jordan Gurney (uncredited)
Malcolm Keen Lord Lorne (uncredited)
Harry Lauter Calvin Oates Jr. (uncredited)
Queenie Leonard Gweeny (uncredited)
Bruce Lester Walt Snowe (uncredited)
Orley Lindgren John Ridd as a Boy (uncredited)
James Logan Farmer (uncredited)
Jerry Mickelsen Carver Doone as a Child (uncredited)
Leonard Mudie Calvin Oates Sr. (uncredited)
Tudor Owen Farmer Snowe (uncredited)
House Peters Jr. Patrol Leader (uncredited)
Allen Pinson Jonas (uncredited)
Norman Rainey Parson Bawden (uncredited)
Ray Teal Farmer Ridd (uncredited)
Glenn Thompson Billy (uncredited)
Trevor Ward Farmer Dyke (uncredited)
Katherine Warren Sarah Ridd (uncredited)
Eric Wilton Doctor (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • Directed by Phil Karlson, “Lorna Doone” features several notable stars including Barbara Hale as Lorna Doone, Richard Greene as John Ridd, and Carl Benton Reid playing Sir Ensor Doone.
  • This movie is an adaptation from a novel by R.D. Blackmore and underwent script development by George Bruce and Jesse Lasky Jr.
  • The film had a run time of approximately 88 minutes and was released in Technicolor.
  • Despite being soaked in a river during a scene in the film, a letter of confession written by Carver Doone, played by actor William Bishop, was still intact and legible, creating a significant continuity error.
  • “Lorna Doone” is one version among many adaptations of the original story, including a 1911 movie of the same name.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Iverson Ranch – 1 Iverson Lane, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.2759059
    • Longitude: -118.6090442
    • Place ID: ChIJcQSF2DuDwoAR8no1chp3QTg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1 Iverson Ln, Chatsworth, CA 91311, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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