Lion (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lion (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lion is a 2016 movie, a biography and drama, released on 24 February 2017. It is a story of a five-year-old Indian boy who gets lost and is adopted by an Australian couple, and 25 years later, he sets off to find his lost family. The movie, directed by Garth Davis and starred Sunny Pawar, Abhishek Bharate, and Priyanka Bose, is well-received and is even included in the top rated Indian movies at number 108.

Where it Filmed?

The film was shot in various locations from January 2015 to May 2015. The shooting locations were:

  • Ganesh Talai in Khandwa and Kolkata in Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, India,
  • Marion Bay, Mount Wellington, and Bruny Island in Tasmania, Australia.


Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Sunny Pawar Young Saroo
Abhishek Bharate Guddu
Priyanka Bose Kamla
Khushi Solanki Young Shekila
Shankar Nisode Shankar
Tannishtha Chatterjee Noor
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Rama
Riddhi Sen Café Man
Surojit Das Shonedeep / Haunted Boy
Deepti Naval Mrs. Sood
Menik Gooneratne Swarmina
David Wenham John Brierley
Nicole Kidman Sue Brierley
Keshav Jadhav Young Mantosh
Dev Patel Saroo Brierley
Benjamin Rigby Waiter
Divian Ladwa Mantosh Brierley
Todd Sampson Provost
Rooney Mara Lucy
Daniela Farinacci Tutor
Pallavi Sharda Prama
Sachin Joab Bharat
Arka Das Sami
Emilie Cocquerel Annika
Vinod Chauhan Merchant
Babli Pandey Woman With Baby
Madhukar Narlwade English Speaking Man
Rohini Kargaiya Shekila
John Brierley Self (uncredited)
Saroo Brierley Self (uncredited)
Sue Brierley Self (uncredited)
Tegan Crowley Workmate #1 (uncredited)
Eamon Farren Luke (uncredited)
Ethan Korver O’Brien Salisbury (uncredited)
Belinda Misevski Lucy’s Friend (uncredited)
Lucy Moir Lucy’s Friend (uncredited)
Alexandra Schepisi Qantas Attendant (uncredited)
Tony Skinner Ryan McLean (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • Lion was directed by Garth Davis and written by Saroo Brierley and Luke Davies.
  • The main stars of the movie were Sunny Pawar (who played young Saroo), Abhishek Bharate (Guddu), and Priyanka Bose (Kamla).
  • The film achieved great success, as it received six Oscar nominations. Further, it won 59 other awards and had 104 nominations in different categories.
  • The film clocked in at 1 hour and 58 minutes.
  • Aside from the main stars, the movie also featured performances from Khushi Solanki as young Shekila, Shankar Nisode as Shankar, Tannishtha Chatterjee as Noor, Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Rama, Riddhi Sen as Café Man, and Kaushik Sen as a Police Official.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
    • Latitude: 22.5743545
    • Longitude: 88.3628734
    • Place ID: ChIJZ_YISduC-DkRvCxsj-Yw40M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
    • Timezone: Asia/Calcutta
  • Location Name: Marion Bay, Tasmania, Australia
    • Latitude: -42.8203148
    • Longitude: 147.8586199
    • Place ID: ChIJD2TtAGXybaoR8Pzd0E3JAwQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Marion Bay TAS 7175, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Hobart
  • Location Name: Mount Wellington, Tasmania, Australia
    • Latitude: -42.89
    • Longitude: 147.23
    • Place ID: ChIJHyEIEJJ2bqoRuSf6NRu_Abk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mount Wellington, Wellington Park TAS 7054, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Hobart
  • Location Name: Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia
    • Latitude: -43.3937074
    • Longitude: 147.2679116
    • Place ID: ChIJO8BlzF83bKoRsLNRtE7JAw8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Hobart

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