Lily in Love (1984) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lily in Love (1984) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lily in Love is a comedy movie from 1984. The film was shot in Hungary and stars Christopher Plummer as Broadway star Fitzroy Wynn and Dame Maggie Smith as his wife Lily. This article provides information about where the film was shot, who was involved, and other interesting facts related to its creation.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Lily in Love took place in Hungary. Unfortunately, specific dates of the filming are not available. Being a central European country with rich history and traditional culture, Hungary served as a unique backdrop for the movie.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Christopher Plummer Fitzroy Wynn / Roberto Terranova
Maggie Smith Lily Wynn
Elke Sommer Alicia Braun
Adolph Green Jerry Silber
Sándor Szabó Teodor
János Kende Gabor
János Xantus Miklos
István Butykai Bela
György Fehér
Dénes Ujlaky Worker
Zoltán Gera Malev Officer
Judit Meszléry Malev Officer
Ildikó Kishonti Actress
Rosetta LeNoire Rosanna
David Purdham Young Actor
Beatrix Porter Young Actress
Jennifer Babtist Young Actress
Merwin Goldsmith Producer
Aaron Lustig Chauffeur

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie’s plot is an uncredited adaptation of Ferenc Molnár’s play “The Guardsman”.
  • New York Times critic Vincent Canby praised the movie but noted that it should have acknowledged its sources.
  • Dame Maggie Smith, who played Lily in the movie, had headlined a revival of “The Guardsman” as recently as 1977.
  • The movie is actually a remake of The Guardsman from 1931.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hungary
    • Latitude: 47.162494
    • Longitude: 19.503304
    • Place ID: ChIJw-Q333uDQUcREBAeDCnEAAA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hungary
    • Timezone: Europe/Budapest