Legend of the Sandsquatch

Legend of the Sandsquatch (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Legend of the Sandsquatch” was released in 2006. It is a horror film directed by Lola Devlin and unravels a story of Sue and her friends being terrorized by the Sandsquatch while searching for her missing grandfather. Notable actors in the movie include Trent Haaga, Hilary Schwartz, and Josh Cornell.

Where it Filmed?

The filming for “Legend of the Sandsquatch” took place in Palmdale, California, USA. The exact dates of the filming are not specified.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Trent Haaga J. Wallace
Josh Cornell Garrett
Ward Roberts Grandpa Frank
David Reynolds Bill
Danny Saxton Kenny
Aubrey Jensen Liz
Brendan Early Bruce
Mike Korich Jack Jack
Noah Naylor Steavo
Amanda Ward Mandi
Katie Rhine Dawn
Travis Betz Jesse
Michael Powers Sandsquatch

Trivia and Facts

  • Lola Devlin not only directed but also co-wrote the movie along with Tom Devlin.
  • The movie is also known as “Сипучі піски” in Ukraine.
  • It was produced under Waltzing Devil production company and Breakout Entertainment was its distributor.
  • The estimated budget for the movie was around $100,000.
  • A noteworthy quote from the movie by the character Sue is, “It must be the hypnotic powers that have you forgetting!”