
Lection (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lection is an independent suspense movie from 2019 lasting about 1 hour and 41 minutes. It was directed and written by David Axe and stars famous actors like Mike Amason, Jennifer Hill, and Bradley J. Petit. The film is a thrilling tale about a local election taking place in a societal setting post-apocalypse. Let’s explore the locations where this gripping story was filmed and reveal some fascinating facts behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The cinematography of the movie Lection took place in one location – Ridgeway, South Carolina, USA. Details about the specific filming dates haven’t been provided.MV5BYWUyMGI2MzktOTFiOS00MDhmLTg2ZjEtMmYwMjkwZGI1MjcwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgwNTUyODY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Mike Amason Mayor
Jennifer Hill Kat
Bradley J. Petit Guff
Sanethia Dresch Dot
Darien Cavanaugh Young Mayor
Aaron Blomberg Crash
Leana Guzman Beth
Rachel Petsiavas Gram
Kate Kiddo Anna
Adam Stapleton Moonshiner
Will Pittman Thug
Ferlin Luker Thug
Leah Jones Teacher
Charles Johnson Incumbent Mayor
Stephan Jensen Thug
Anna Howard Librarian
Reno Gooch Thug
Jonathan Elkin Prince
Seth Allen Thug
Jezibell Anat Villager
Antwan Anderson Jr. Villager
Antonia Anderson Gayle
Maria Anderson Villager
Santiago Azpurua-Borras Villager
Zenia Tiara Bethea Villager
Kinsey Bjork Villager
Aaron Blomberg Crash
Damian Bradley Villager
Lee Chappell Villager
Veronica Cooper Villager
Dakota Dresch Villager
Dyllan Dresch Villager
Jamie Griffin Villager
Jordanna Herrell Villager
Drake Houston Villager
Michelle Brown Houston Villager
Cobie Jackson Villager
Alexis Raven Jeter Villager
Frederick Jones Villager
Ryan Kailbourne Villager
Erikson Lathrop Villager
Dan Lenker Villager
Morgan Ludwig Villager
Scott Ludwig Thug
Ashley-Kae Luker Villager
Mia Mack Villager
Shaina Magee Villager
Vickie Marsee Villager
Loretta Martin Villager
Jo Martinez Villager
J.D. McIntyre Villager
Wendy Miklos Villager
Tyler Mockabee Villager
Houston Newcome Villager
Madeline Newcome Villager
Freya O’Hagan Villager
Alexandria Overton Villager
Dylan Peer Villager
Eric E. Poe Villager
Audry Rhodes Villager
Faith Robins-Murphy Villager
Jesenia Sanchez Villager
Perry Simpson Villager
Jonathan Spalding Villager
Rebecca Standridge Villager
Zachary Standridge Villager
Belladonna Stofiel Villager
Zebrina Stofiel Villager
Caroline Taylor Villager
April Timmons Villager
Jeff Whitt Villager
Christine Williams Villager

MV5BNWU0NWVlYzEtMDhhMy00NzlmLTgyY2YtMThmN2U1Y2Y4YmQ4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgwNTUyODY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Trivia and Facts

The following are some interesting and lesser-known aspects of the movie:

  • Lection is an indie thriller movie and it attracted significant attention due to its unique theme.
  • David Axe has taken on multiple roles for the film – as the director, writer, producer, sound mixer, and editor.
  • The list of key cast members includes Mike Amason, Jennifer Hill, and Bradley J. Petit, who have assumed the roles of Mayor, Kat, and Guff in the movie.
  • The budget for creating this movie is estimated to be around $22,000.
  • The film has attracted a range of reviews with 12 from users and 5 critical reviews.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Ridgeway, South Carolina, USA
    • Latitude: 34.307647
    • Longitude: -80.9603643
    • Place ID: ChIJk__W8eEEVogRWcixW21_6gg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Ridgeway, SC 29130, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York