Las Vegas Hillbillys (1966) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Las Vegas Hillbillys (1966) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film, “Las Vegas Hillbillys”, released in 1966, tells a comedic and musical tale of a hillbilly who made it to the big leagues in Las Vegas. In the film, Ferlin Husky plays Woody Wetherby, Jayne Mansfield is Tawny, and Mamie Van Doren is Boots Malone. The film is well known for its captivating scenes and behind-the-scenes happenings.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Las Vegas Hillbillys” took place in two key locations in the United States: Las Vegas, Nevada and Nashville, Tennessee. The production of the film commenced on the 30th of November 1965. The chosen settings helped to perfect the film’s storyline and overall tone. MV5BOWRmZDk2NWUtZGNjYi00MzRkLWJiMGUtY2VhY2RhYjBkZDE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUwMDUwNA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ferlin Husky Woody Wetherby
Jayne Mansfield Tawny
Mamie Van Doren Boots Malone
Sonny James Sonny James
Roy Drusky Roy Drusky
Del Reeves Del Reeves
Bill Anderson Bill Anderson
Connie Smith Connie Smith
Wilma Burgess Wilma Burgess
Duke of Paducah Duke of Paducah
Jr. Carolina Cloggers Jr. Carolina Cloggers
The Jordanaires The Jordanaires
Don Bowman Jeepers
Louis Quinn Louis Quinn
Billie Bird Aunt Clem
Richard Kiel Moose
Arlene Charles Julie Mae
Helen Clark
Theodore Lehmann
John Harmon
Bennett King Al
Chuck Harrod
Larry Barton
Leon Alton Bar Patron (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Sonny James, Roy Drusky, Del Reeves, Bill Anderson, Connie Smith, Wilma Burgess, Duke of Paducah, Jr. Carolina Cloggers, and The Jordanaires all received ‘Country Music Stars’ credits in the film.
  • “Las Vegas Hillbillys” was popular enough to feature in other productions, adding an interesting twist to how the film is perceived.
  • One of the most catchy soundtracks in the film is “WHITE LIGHTNING EXPRESS.”


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
    • Latitude: 36.1626638
    • Longitude: -86.7816016
    • Place ID: ChIJPZDrEzLsZIgRoNrpodC5P30
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Nashville, TN, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago